

Ethereum VM (EVM) Opcodes and Instruction Reference

This reference consolidates EVM opcode information from the yellow paper, stack exchange, solidity source, parity source, evm-opcode-gas-costs and Manticore.

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The size of a "word" in EVM is 256 bits.

The gas information is a work in progress. If an asterisk is in the Gas column, the base cost is shown but may vary based on the opcode arguments.


OpcodeNameDescriptionExtra InfoGas
0x00STOPHalts execution-0
0x01ADDAddition operation-3
0x02MULMultiplication operation-5
0x03SUBSubtraction operation-3
0x04DIVInteger division operation-5
0x05SDIVSigned integer division operation (truncated)-5
0x06MODModulo remainder operation-5
0x07SMODSigned modulo remainder operation-5
0x08ADDMODModulo addition operation-8
0x09MULMODModulo multiplication operation-8
0x0aEXPExponential operation-10*
0x0bSIGNEXTENDExtend length of two's complement signed integer-5
0x0c - 0x0fUnusedUnused-
0x10LTLess-than comparison-3
0x11GTGreater-than comparison-3
0x12SLTSigned less-than comparison-3
0x13SGTSigned greater-than comparison-3
0x14EQEquality comparison-3
0x15ISZEROSimple not operator-3
0x16ANDBitwise AND operation-3
0x17ORBitwise OR operation-3
0x18XORBitwise XOR operation-3
0x19NOTBitwise NOT operation-3
0x1aBYTERetrieve single byte from word-3
0x1bSHLShift LeftEIP1453
0x1cSHRLogical Shift RightEIP1453
0x1dSARArithmetic Shift RightEIP1453
0x20KECCAK256Compute Keccak-256 hash-30*
0x21 - 0x2fUnusedUnused
0x30ADDRESSGet address of currently executing account-2
0x31BALANCEGet balance of the given account-700
0x32ORIGINGet execution origination address-2
0x33CALLERGet caller address-2
0x34CALLVALUEGet deposited value by the instruction/transaction responsible for this execution-2
0x35CALLDATALOADGet input data of current environment-3
0x36CALLDATASIZEGet size of input data in current environment-2*
0x37CALLDATACOPYCopy input data in current environment to memory-3
0x38CODESIZEGet size of code running in current environment-2
0x39CODECOPYCopy code running in current environment to memory-3*
0x3aGASPRICEGet price of gas in current environment-2
0x3bEXTCODESIZEGet size of an account's code-700
0x3cEXTCODECOPYCopy an account's code to memory-700*
0x3dRETURNDATASIZEPushes the size of the return data buffer onto the stackEIP 2112
0x3eRETURNDATACOPYCopies data from the return data buffer to memoryEIP 2113
0x3fEXTCODEHASHReturns the keccak256 hash of a contract's codeEIP 1052700
0x40BLOCKHASHGet the hash of one of the 256 most recent complete blocks-20
0x41COINBASEGet the block's beneficiary address-2
0x42TIMESTAMPGet the block's timestamp-2
0x43NUMBERGet the block's number-2
0x44DIFFICULTYGet the block's difficulty-2
0x45GASLIMITGet the block's gas limit-2
0x46CHAINIDReturns the current chain’s EIP-155 unique identifierEIP 13442
0x47 - 0x4fUnused-
0x48BASEFEEReturns the value of the base fee of the current block it is executing in.EIP 31982
0x50POPRemove word from stack-2
0x51MLOADLoad word from memory-3*
0x52MSTORESave word to memory-3*
0x53MSTORE8Save byte to memory-3
0x54SLOADLoad word from storage-800
0x55SSTORESave word to storage-20000**
0x56JUMPAlter the program counter-8
0x57JUMPIConditionally alter the program counter-10
0x58GETPCGet the value of the program counter prior to the increment-2
0x59MSIZEGet the size of active memory in bytes-2
0x5aGASGet the amount of available gas, including the corresponding reduction for the cost of this instruction-2
0x5bJUMPDESTMark a valid destination for jumps-1
0x5c - 0x5fUnused-
0x60PUSH1Place 1 byte item on stack-3
0x61PUSH2Place 2-byte item on stack-3
0x62PUSH3Place 3-byte item on stack-3
0x63PUSH4Place 4-byte item on stack-3
0x64PUSH5Place 5-byte item on stack-3
0x65PUSH6Place 6-byte item on stack-3
0x66PUSH7Place 7-byte item on stack-3
0x67PUSH8Place 8-byte item on stack-3
0x68PUSH9Place 9-byte item on stack-3
0x69PUSH10Place 10-byte item on stack-3
0x6aPUSH11Place 11-byte item on stack-3
0x6bPUSH12Place 12-byte item on stack-3
0x6cPUSH13Place 13-byte item on stack-3
0x6dPUSH14Place 14-byte item on stack-3
0x6ePUSH15Place 15-byte item on stack-3
0x6fPUSH16Place 16-byte item on stack-3
0x70PUSH17Place 17-byte item on stack-3
0x71PUSH18Place 18-byte item on stack-3
0x72PUSH19Place 19-byte item on stack-3
0x73PUSH20Place 20-byte item on stack-3
0x74PUSH21Place 21-byte item on stack-3
0x75PUSH22Place 22-byte item on stack-3
0x76PUSH23Place 23-byte item on stack-3
0x77PUSH24Place 24-byte item on stack-3
0x78PUSH25Place 25-byte item on stack-3
0x79PUSH26Place 26-byte item on stack-3
0x7aPUSH27Place 27-byte item on stack-3
0x7bPUSH28Place 28-byte item on stack-3
0x7cPUSH29Place 29-byte item on stack-3
0x7dPUSH30Place 30-byte item on stack-3
0x7ePUSH31Place 31-byte item on stack-3
0x7fPUSH32Place 32-byte (full word) item on stack-3
0x80DUP1Duplicate 1st stack item-3
0x81DUP2Duplicate 2nd stack item-3
0x82DUP3Duplicate 3rd stack item-3
0x83DUP4Duplicate 4th stack item-3
0x84DUP5Duplicate 5th stack item-3
0x85DUP6Duplicate 6th stack item-3
0x86DUP7Duplicate 7th stack item-3
0x87DUP8Duplicate 8th stack item-3
0x88DUP9Duplicate 9th stack item-3
0x89DUP10Duplicate 10th stack item-3
0x8aDUP11Duplicate 11th stack item-3
0x8bDUP12Duplicate 12th stack item-3
0x8cDUP13Duplicate 13th stack item-3
0x8dDUP14Duplicate 14th stack item-3
0x8eDUP15Duplicate 15th stack item-3
0x8fDUP16Duplicate 16th stack item-3
0x90SWAP1Exchange 1st and 2nd stack items-3
0x91SWAP2Exchange 1st and 3rd stack items-3
0x92SWAP3Exchange 1st and 4th stack items-3
0x93SWAP4Exchange 1st and 5th stack items-3
0x94SWAP5Exchange 1st and 6th stack items-3
0x95SWAP6Exchange 1st and 7th stack items-3
0x96SWAP7Exchange 1st and 8th stack items-3
0x97SWAP8Exchange 1st and 9th stack items-3
0x98SWAP9Exchange 1st and 10th stack items-3
0x99SWAP10Exchange 1st and 11th stack items-3
0x9aSWAP11Exchange 1st and 12th stack items-3
0x9bSWAP12Exchange 1st and 13th stack items-3
0x9cSWAP13Exchange 1st and 14th stack items-3
0x9dSWAP14Exchange 1st and 15th stack items-3
0x9eSWAP15Exchange 1st and 16th stack items-3
0x9fSWAP16Exchange 1st and 17th stack items-3
0xa0LOG0Append log record with no topics-375
0xa1LOG1Append log record with one topic-750
0xa2LOG2Append log record with two topics-1125
0xa3LOG3Append log record with three topics-1500
0xa4LOG4Append log record with four topics-1875
0xa5 - 0xafUnused-
0xb0JUMPTOTentative libevmasm has different numbersEIP 615
0xb1JUMPIFTentativeEIP 615
0xb2JUMPSUBTentativeEIP 615
0xb4JUMPSUBVTentativeEIP 615
0xb5BEGINSUBTentativeEIP 615
0xb6BEGINDATATentativeEIP 615
0xb8RETURNSUBTentativeEIP 615
0xb9PUTLOCALTentativeEIP 615
0xbaGETLOCALTentativeEIP 615
0xbb - 0xe0Unused-
0xe1SLOADBYTESOnly referenced in pyethereum--
0xe2SSTOREBYTESOnly referenced in pyethereum--
0xe3SSIZEOnly referenced in pyethereum--
0xe4 - 0xefUnused-
0xf0CREATECreate a new account with associated code-32000
0xf1CALLMessage-call into an account-Complicated
0xf2CALLCODEMessage-call into this account with alternative account's code-Complicated
0xf3RETURNHalt execution returning output data-0
0xf4DELEGATECALLMessage-call into this account with an alternative account's code, but persisting into this account with an alternative account's code-Complicated
0xf5CREATE2Create a new account and set creation address to sha3(sender + sha3(init code)) % 2**160-
0xf6 - 0xf9Unused--
0xfaSTATICCALLSimilar to CALL, but does not modify state-40
0xfcTXEXECGASNot in yellow paper FIXME--
0xfdREVERTStop execution and revert state changes, without consuming all provided gas and providing a reason-0
0xfeINVALIDDesignated invalid instruction-0
0xffSELFDESTRUCTHalt execution and register account for later deletion-5000*

Instruction Details


Takes two words from stack, adds them, then pushes the result onto the stack.

Pseudocode: push(s[0]+s[1])


The following X bytes are read from PC, placed into a word, then this word is pushed onto the stack.