

Echidna Streaming Workshop

Welcome to the 6-part series on how to use Echidna to fuzz like a pro! This repository has 6 folders, each of which maps to a specific workshop in the series.

To learn more about how these workshops will work, please read this blogpost.

Note that each workshop will be live streamed on Trail of Bits' Twitch channel and YouTube channel at 12 PM EST on the following days:


Part 1: The Basics (streaming on Nov 16, 2022)

Part 2: Fuzzing arithmetics and functions (streaming on Nov 22, 2022)


Part 3: Introduction to AMM’s invariants (streaming on Nov 30, 2022)

Part 4: AMM fuzzing (streaming on Dec 6, 2022)


Part 5: Introduction to advanced DeFi’s invariants (streaming on Dec 14, 2022)

Part 6: Advanced DeFi invariants (streaming on Dec 21, 2022)

Additional Notes

Try your own invariants!


Uniswap V2

Echidna Installation