


Amarna is a static-analyzer and linter for the Cairo programming language.


Basic Usage

Analyze a Cairo project in the current directory and export the SARIF results to a file:

amarna . -o out.sarif

Analyze a single file file.cairo and export the SARIF results to a file:

amarna file.cairo -o out.sarif

Analyze a single file file.cairo and print a summary of the results:

amarna file.cairo -s


Currently supported rules

#RuleWhat it findsImpactPrecision
1Arithmetic operationsAll uses of arithmetic operations +, -, *, and /InfoHigh
2Unused argumentsFunction arguments that are not used in the functions in which they appearWarningHigh
3Unused importsUnused importsInfoHigh
4Mistyped decoratorsMistyped code decoratorsInfoHigh
5Unused functionsFunctions that are never calledInfoMedium
6Error codesFunction calls that have return values that must be checkedInfoHigh
7Inconsistent assert usageAsserts that use the same constant in different ways, e.g., assert_le(amount, BOUND) and assert_le(amount, BOUND - 1)WarningHigh
8Dead storesVariables that are assigned values but not used before a return statementInfoMedium
9Unchecked overflowsFunction calls that ignore the returned overflow flags, e.g., uint256_addWarningHigh
10Caller address return valueFunction calls to the get_caller_address function.InfoHigh
11Storage variable collisionMultiple @storage_var with the same name. (deprecated)WarningHigh
12Implicit function importFunction with decorator @external, @view, @l1_handler that is being implicitly imported. (deprecated)InfoHigh
13Unenforced view functionState modification within a @view functionInfoHigh
14Uninitialized variableLocal variables that are never initialized.InfoHigh


Analyze a Cairo project in the current directory and export results to a file:

amarna . -o out.sarif

Analyze a single file deleverage.cairo and export results to a file:

amarna deleverage.cairo -o deleverage.sarif

Analyze a single file code.cairo and print a summary of the results:

amarna code.cairo -s

Parse a Cairo file and output the recovered AST in png:

amarna file.cairo -png

Analyze a Cairo file with the unused_import rule:

amarna file.cairo --rules=unused-imports

Analyze a Cairo file using all rules except the arithmetic-add rule:

amarna file.cairo --except-rules=arithmetic-add

The full help menu is:

usage: amarna [-h] [-p] [-o OUTPUT] [-s] [-png] [-rules RULES] [-exclude-rules EXCLUDE_RULES] [-show-rules] [-disable-inline] -f

Amarna is a static-analyzer for the Cairo programming language.

positional arguments:
  -f                    the name of the .cairo file or directory with .cairo files to analyze

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p, --print           print output
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        file to write the output results in sarif format
  -s, -summary, --summary
                        output summary
  -png, --png           save a png with the AST of a file
  -rules RULES, --rules RULES
                        Only run this set of rules. Enter rule names comma-separated, e.g., dead-store,unused-arguments
  -exclude-rules EXCLUDE_RULES, --exclude-rules EXCLUDE_RULES
                        Exclude these rules from the analysis. Enter rule names comma-separated, e.g., dead-store,unused-arguments
  -show-rules, --show-rules
                        Show all supported rules and descriptions.
  -disable-inline, --disable-inline
                        Disable rules with inline comments. The comments should be the first line and of the form: # amarna: disable=rulename1,rulename2

SARIF file format

The SARIF file format is a standard format for static-analysis tools and can be viewed in vscode with the official extension.


pip install amarna

How the rules work

The static-analysis rules can be:

Examples of these are:

Rule allowlist, denylist and inline comments

Rule names

Obtain the names of the currently implemented rules with:

 amarna --show-rules

Rule allowlist

Run amarna with a defined set of rules using

 amarna --rules=rule1,rule2 .

The following command will only run the unused-imports rule and print the summary result

 amarna --rules=unused-imports . -s

Rule denylist

Run amarna with all rules except a defined set of rules using

 amarna --exclude-rules=arithmetic-add,arithmetic-sub . -s

Inline rule disabling comments

You can change the first line of a cairo file to disable a specific rule set on that file. For example, adding the line

// amarna: disable=arithmetic-div,arithmetic-sub,arithmetic-mul,arithmetic-add

as the first line of file.cairo and running amarna with

amarna directory/ --disable-inline -s

will not report any arithmetic rule to the file.cairo file.