

VSCode Extension for Crystal Language

Publish Extension

This extension provides support for the Crystal programming language.



It is recommended to install the Crystal programming language (platform dependendant). No other dependencies are required. For debugging support, it's recommended to follow the guide here.



By default, the problems runner, hover provider, and definitions provider are turned on. This may not be ideal for larger projects due to compile times and memory usage, so it is recommended to turn them off in the vscode settings. That can be done per-project by creating a .vscode/settings.json file with:

// .vscode/settings.json
  // Turn off slow/memory-intensive features for larger projects
  "crystal-lang.definitions": false,
  "crystal-lang.dependencies": false,
  "crystal-lang.hover": false,
  "crystal-lang.problems": false,
  "crystal-lang.spec-explorer": false,

Supported Platforms

This extension has been tested on / should work on the following platforms:


These are some features that are planned or would be nice for the future of this project or others:

Release Notes

See Changelog


  1. Fork it https://github.com/crystal-lang-tools/vscode-crystal-lang/fork
  2. Create your feature branch git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Commit your changes git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch git push origin my-new-feature
  5. Create a new Pull Request


See all contributors