

Punk Datasets - Meta Data (In Tabular .CSV Format) Incl. Attributes & More

Original Matt & John's Series (V1/V2) - Max. 10 000

Matt & John's (crypto) punks dataset in comma-separated values (CSV) format. The data records incl. id (0-9999), type (human/zombie/ape/alien), gender (male/female), skin tone (dark/medium/light/albino), count (of accessories), and accessories. Example:

id, type, gender, skin tone, count, accessories
0, Human, Female, Medium, 3, Green Eye Shadow / Earring / Blonde Bob
1, Human, Male, Dark, 2, Smile / Mohawk
2, Human, Female, Light, 1, Wild Hair
3, Human, Male, Dark, 3, Wild Hair / Nerd Glasses / Pipe
4, Human, Male, Medium, 4, Big Shades / Wild Hair / Earring / Goat
5, Human, Female, Medium, 3, Purple Eye Shadow / Half Shaved / Earring

See original/ »

Front Looking Series

Looking left? Looking right? 1000 front-looking punks (999 from original series plus Philip the Phunk

See front/ »

1000 More Series

New species, new attributes

See more/ »

Expansion Series

10 000 more punks

See expansion/ »

Alien Clan Series

100 more blue aliens (incl. 3 alien apes)

See alienclan/ »

Ordinal Punks (Bitcoin) - Max. 100

sub1k inscription on bitcoin (anno 2023)

See ordinal/ »


For Punks 12px on bitcoin (anno 2024) see orc721/punks12px/ »

For Punks 12px on ethscriptions (anno 2024) see 0xCompute/punks12px/ »

For Punks 24px on facet - ethereum layer 1 (anno 2024) see 0xCompute/punks24px/ »

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