


Want to play? Go to https://cryptoplayer.one and read our Game Guide


Game: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f91oYEWmLWo

Behind the Scenes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vcFf9fDgmfo

Robots Stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mMCljzH3lVQ

A rock-paper-scissors game where the player does micropayments on the Raiden Network in order to choose a move for his robot friend. Winners get rewarded.

Unlimited number of users, each user chooses a player (Dark Vader / Blue Yoda) and a move (Rock / Paper / Scissors). The GameGuardian chooses a move for each of the two players based on the votes of the majority. He then calculates the winning move, the total amount of tokens sent by the users, keeps 10% for hosting services and rewards all the users who chose the winning move (winner_reward = total_token_reward / number_of_winners)


This is not production ready - play at your own risk if you want to give a hand at testing the game or the new Raiden Network release.

How To Play

Built on


GameGuardian Server, GameGuardian Raiden Node & GameGuardian Client are running on an Ubuntu Virtual Private Server

Dark Vader RobotServer & Blue Yoda RobotServer

GameGuardian Server

GameGuardian Raiden Node

Game Client

Game Sequence

Game Sequence