


alt text Hudinx is a medium interaction SSH honeypot designed to log brute force attacks and, most importantly, the entire shell interaction performed by the attacker.


Some interesting features:


Software required:

Create Wiki for some installation instructions!

How to install it?


Configure advanced security with rules ?

How to launch & kill it?

Edit hudinx.cfg to your liking and start the honeypot by running:

./LAUNCH.sh ./KILL.sh

LAUNCH.sh is a simple shell script that runs hudinx in the background using twistd. Detailed startup options can be given by running hudnix manually. For example, to run hudinx in foreground:

hudinx -y hudinx.tac -n

By default Hudinx listens for ssh connections on port 3131. You can change this, but do not change it to 22 as it requires root privileges. Use port forwarding instead. (More info: MakinghudinxReachable).

Files of interest:

Is it secure?

Maybe. See FAQ