

What's this?

This repository contains 1 docker image for the reverse engineering of Android applications:

Disclaimer: Please use responsibly.

Quick Setup

On an AMD64 platform, you can pull the container via docker pull:

  1. docker pull cryptax/android-re:2024.02
  2. docker-compose up -d android-retools

Access by SSH:

$ xhost +
$ ssh -p 5022 -X root@

For VNC, install a VNC viewer, then:

$ vncviewer

Default password is mypass. See docker_compose.yml to change it.

Build / Customization

If you wish to build the images locally: docker-compose build.

You can customize:

      - "6022:22"
      - "6900:5900"
        - SSH_PASSWORD=mypass
        - VNC_PASSWORD=mypass

Android tools image (android-re)

Those are open source tools, or free demos. They are installed in /opt.

Interesting tools to install on the host (not in the container)

Obsolete / Broken

The other images are obsolete and/or broken: cryptax/dexcalibur:2023.01 and cryptax/android-emu:2021.01.

Adding more tools

# APKdiff
RUN wget -q -O "/opt/apkdiffy.py" https://raw.githubusercontent.com/daniellockyer/apkdiff/master/apkdiff.py

# Apkfile
RUN cd /opt && git clone https://github.com/CalebFenton/apkfile

# ByteCode Viewer
RUN wget -q -O "/opt/bytecode-viewer.jar" "https://github.com/Konloch/bytecode-viewer/releases/download/v2.9.22/Bytecode-Viewer-${BYTECODEVIEWER_VERSION}.jar

RUN wget -q -O "/opt/cfr_${CFR_VERSION}.jar" http://www.benf.org/other/cfr/cfr-${CFR_VERSION}.jar

# ClassyShark
RUN wget -q -O "/opt/ClassyShark.jar" https://github.com/google/android-classyshark/releases/download/${CLASSYSHARK_VERSION}/ClassyShark.jar

# Enjarify
RUN cd /opt && git clone https://github.com/Storyyeller/enjarify && ln -s /opt/enjarify/enjarify.sh /usr/bin/enjarify

# Fridump
RUN cd /opt && git clone https://github.com/Nightbringer21/fridump.git

# Oat2Dex
RUN wget -q -O "/opt/oat2dex.py" https://github.com/jakev/oat2dex-python/blob/master/oat2dex.py

# Procyon (link broken, currently using an archive) - Does not work with Java 11. Works with Java 8
RUN wget -q -O "/opt/procyon-decompiler.jar" "https://github.com/cryptax/droidlysis/raw/master/external/procyon-decompiler-${PROCYON_VERSION}.jar"