


Quick start

You'll need a set of ip addresses to create the K8s cluster.

Optionally use the infra-provisioning to provision machines (eg. Equinix Metal)

Build the prerequisites

   docker build -t crosscloudci/k8s-infra-deps:latest --file Dockerfile.deps .

Build the Docker container

  docker build -t crosscloudci/k8s-infra:latest . 

Generate the kube-spray configuration file and provision the K8s cluster

Note: You must have either 3 or more masters. It doesn't matter how many workers you have.

docker run -v $(pwd):/k8s-infra:latest -v -ti kubespray /bin/bash 

Inside of the container:

./k8s-infra/bin/k8sinfra generate_config --release-type=stable --master-hosts "<your-ip-address>,<your-ip-address>,<your-ip-address>" --worker-hosts "<your-ip-address>,<your-ip-address>,<your-ip-address>" -o /tmp/test.yml; \
./k8sinfra provision --config-file '/tmp/test.yml'"  

Save the resulting kubeconfig file to your local development machine.

Useful Developer Commands

Build deps for k8s-infra

   docker build -t crosscloudci/k8s-infra-deps:latest --file Dockerfile.deps .

Build k8s-infra

  docker build -t crosscloudci/k8s-infra:latest . 

Optional: Push to dockerhub repository

   docker push crosscloudci/k8s-infra-deps:latest

Optional: push of k8s-infra docker image

   docker push crosscloudci/k8s-infra:latest

Test the docker image

   docker run -ti crosscloudci/k8s-infra:latest

Test with port mapping

   docker run -e <env var>=<env data> -ti crosscloudci/k8s-infra:latest -p 4001:4001 

Get name of the container

   docker ps 

Optional: Bash prompt

  docker exec -ti <name of container> /bin/bash 

Get docker ip address

  docker exec -ti <name of container> ifconfig

Test manually adding ip addresses

 docker run -ti crosscloudci/k8s-infra:latest k8s-infra/bin/k8sinfra generate_config --master-hosts ",," --worker-hosts ",," 

Test manually adding ip addresses with generated cluster yml and provision generation with head release type

 docker run -ti crosscloudci/k8s-infra:latest /bin/bash -c "k8s-infra/bin/k8sinfra generate_config --release-type=head --master-hosts ",," --worker-hosts ",," -o /tmp/test.yml; \
 k8s-infra/bin/k8sinfra provision --config-file '/tmp/test.yml' --dry-run"  

Test manually adding ip addresses with generated cluster yml and provision generation with stable release type

 docker run -ti crosscloudci/k8s-infra:latest /bin/bash -c "k8s-infra/bin/k8sinfra generate_config --release-type=stable --master-hosts ",," --worker-hosts ",," -o /tmp/test.yml; \
 k8s-infra/bin/k8sinfra provision --config-file '/tmp/test.yml' --dry-run"  

Testing with the gitlab integration

To test with the gitlab integration (to get the source IPs from gitlab instead of manually providing them), you can use one of the following two options:

Pre-req: Successful provision Packet machines using infra-provisioning Option 1: use existing pipeline

Go to https://gitlab.cncf.ci/cncf/infra-provisioning/pipelines Find a successful pipeline and open the release job. Under the artifacts section select browse, then download the nodes.env file under the top-level Terraform directory. example url path: https://gitlab.cncf.ci/cncf/infra-provisioning/-/jobs/168517/artifacts/browse/terraform/nodes.env Option 2: run new pipeline

Go to https://gitlab.cncf.ci/cncf/infra-provisioning/pipelines Select run pipeline, then create a pipeline against the production branch. Once the job has finished open the release job. Under the artifacts section select browse, then download the nodes.env file under the top-level Terraform directory. example url path: https://gitlab.cncf.ci/cncf/infra-provisioning/-/jobs/168517/artifacts/browse/terraform/nodes.env

Test gitlab integration


 docker run -ti crosscloudci/k8s-infra:latest k8s-infra/bin/k8sinfra generate_config --release-type=stable --infra-job=168517 


 docker run -ti crosscloudci/k8s-infra:latest k8s-infra/bin/k8sinfra generate_config --release-type=head --infra-job=168517 

Saving to a file

 docker run -ti crosscloudci/k8s-infra:latest k8s-infra/bin/k8sinfra generate_config --infra-job=168517  -o /tmp/cluster.yml

Error message if cluster.yml structure is not valid

 docker run -ti crosscloudci/k8s-infra:latest k8s-infra/bin/k8sinfra provision --config-file=k8s-infra/example_hosts-invalid_syntax.yml 

Error message if cluster.yml structure is not valid

 docker run -ti crosscloudci/k8s-infra:latest k8s-infra/bin/k8sinfra provision --config-file=k8s-infra/example_hosts-invalid_structure.yml 


Develop with rspec with the installed kubespray dependencies by mapping the k8s-infra directory into the container and running rspec spec

docker run -v $(pwd):/k8s-infra -v /home/pair/.ssh/id_rsa:/root/.ssh/id_rsa  -ti kubespray /bin/bash