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extract relevant keywords from a given text

How to use it

In order to use the class, you must instance a Config object.


require __DIR__ . "/vendor/autoload.php";

use \crodas\TextRank\Config;
use \crodas\TextRank\TextRank;

$config   = new Config;
$textrank = new TextRank($config);

$keywords = $textrank->getKeywords($some_long_text);


It is possible to get better results by adding few information about the language (stopword list, stemmer with pecl install stem).


require __DIR__ . "/vendor/autoload.php";

use \crodas\TextRank\Config;
use \crodas\TextRank\TextRank;
use \crodas\TextRank\Stopword;

$config = new Config;
$config->addListener(new Stopword);

$textrank = new TextRank($config);
$keywords = $textrank->getKeywords($some_long_text);


By doing this it will detect the language of the text and will remove common words (from the stopword list). If ext-stem is available the results will be even better.

Summarize large texts

This class is also capable of summarizing long texts

$config = new \crodas\TextRank\Config;
$config->addListener(new \crodas\TextRank\Stopword);
$analizer = new \crodas\TextRank\Summary($config);
$summary = $analizer->getSummary($text);         

$summary is at most 5% of the sentences of the text.