Build with Linux
Check you can use lboost_system. If not, probably you can install it with
$ sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev
Run following in "ai_src" directory.
$ make -f Makefile_Linux
You will see in root directory.
Then run following in root directory
$ make -f Makefile_Linux
Then you will see system.exe in root directory.
Build with Windows
Check you can link lboost_system, and rewrite LIBS of Makefile(both in ai_src and root directory). In the environment of the author, "-lboost_system-mgw62-mt-x64-1_70" is valid.
Check the number of logical processors of your machine and rewrite NPROCS value of ai_src/Makefile. You can check the number by
> $cs = Get-WmiObject -class Win32_ComputerSystem; $cs.numberoflogicalprocessors
Then run following in "ai_src" directory.
> make
You will see ai.dll in root directory.
Next, run following in root directory.
> make
Then you will see system.exe in root directory.
Selfmatch will be executed by following command
./system.exe test "begin(int)" "end(int)"
Self-matches will be executed with random seed of begin to end - 1. Game record will be saved in a directory specified by "result_dir" of setup_match.json. Chicha of self-matches are those specified in "chicha" of setup_match.json. For example, when begin=100, end=102 and "chicha" is [0, 1], following 4 mathces will be executed.
random seed = 100, chicha = 0
random seed = 100, chicha = 1
random seed = 101, chicha = 0
random seed = 101, chicha = 1
This is efficient when you want to update AI strategy and play against previous version. Tactics of each player can be set with "tactics" of setup_match.json.