

Awesome Bugs Status?

An opinionated list of truly awesome bugs

I am easily amused. Since the dawn of time, circa 4000 years ago, I've been collecting and bookmarking bugs which I find awesome. At some point, it's not entirely clear when, I was inspired by @sindresorhus's awesome, and the glut of awesome lists, to collect these bugs in their own awesome list (because that's what the world needs, more curated lists.) This is that.

UNFUNNY WARNING: DO NOT COMMENT ON OR MESS WITH ANY OF THESE BUGS! Seriously, this list should be considered READ-ONLY. Do not use this list to troll or harass the nice people making software. Everything here is included because I found it funny. This isn't, by any means, an encouragement for action (even in those cases where I editorialize). Seriously... read for the laughs, but leave the parties involved alone!

Table of Contwebs

Yeah, maybe once I find a way to organize this that makes sense...


Patches, PRs and Code Snippets

Code Gone Wild

Data Insanity

Something Else