

Angular Template

Project to easily start an Angular project using the latest technologies.

It also includes development tools to easy your workflow.


  1. Bring the project to your local machine.

    pnpx tiged cristobalgvera/angular-template <PROJECT_NAME>
  2. Copy the environment file.

    cp .env.example .env
  3. Choose one of the following options and go to http://localhost:4200

    • Run locally.

      pnpm install
      pnpm start
    • Run in Docker.

      docker compose up --build -d app

      You can modify your files and watch the changes in real time. Also, you can enter to VSCode and use the project inside a DevContainer.

Build the project

[!TIP] You can choose were or how deploy the project. The following use Docker.

Create a production-ready build.

docker compose -f compose.prod.yml up --build -d app