Angular Template
Project to easily start an Angular project using the latest technologies.
- Latest Angular version
- Server Side Rendering
- Angular Material
- Tailwind CSS
It also includes development tools to easy your workflow.
- TypeScript
- Jest
- Docker
- VSCode DevContainer
- ESLint
- Prettier
- Husky
- Lint-staged
- Commitlint
Bring the project to your local machine.
pnpx tiged cristobalgvera/angular-template <PROJECT_NAME>
Copy the environment file.
cp .env.example .env
Choose one of the following options and go to http://localhost:4200
Run locally.
pnpm install pnpm start
Run in Docker.
docker compose up --build -d app
You can modify your files and watch the changes in real time. Also, you can enter to
and use the project inside aDevContainer
Build the project
[!TIP] You can choose were or how deploy the project. The following use
Create a production-ready build.
docker compose -f up --build -d app