A http MySQL remote tunnel
Local use
Open index.php and put your database params and tunnel.
include 'tunnel.class.php';
$cfg = array('tunnel_url' => 'http://localhost/MySQLTunnel/remote.tunnel.php',
'db_data' => array(
'host' => 'localhost',//default is localhost
'user' => 'YOUR USER',
'pass' => 'YOUR PASS',
'db_name' => 'YOUR DATABASE',
'port' => '3306'));//default mysql port is 3306
$mysql = new Mysql_tunnel_client($cfg);
Write a new query for the database
$query = 'SELECT * FROM characters WHERE level = 85 LIMIT 5';
$q = $mysql->query($query);
Remote Use
Check your ip address and add it in the list of allowed ips in remote.tunnel.php like this.
class Mysql_tunnel_server{
private $db, $link;
public $errors = array();
public $ips = array('','2.87.9090.244'); //Add here allowed ips
Upload remote.tunnel.php on your domain. Insert the link of remote tunnel
$cfg = array('tunnel_url' => '',
Have fun!
Databases credential are transmitted via http.
Only if you are on the list of allowed ips you can fetch the query.
Mysql_tunnel_client class
To use mysqltunnel, first we need to include the Mysql_tunnel_client class file, create an array with the database params and then assign the class to a new variable. The $cfg array consists of the following data:
- tunnel_url: the url of the remote tunnel.php file
- db_data
- host: the host of mysql in the remote machine (default is localhost)
- user: username of remote mysql
- pass: password of remote mysql
- db_name: the database name to use
- port: port to connect to mysql database default is 3306