

Angular SVG round progressbar

Angular module that uses SVG to create a circular progressbar


Click here for the Angular 1.x version


First you have to install the module through npm:

npm install angular-svg-round-progressbar --save

Afterwards you need to import the RoundProgressModule in your module:

import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
import {RoundProgressModule} from 'angular-svg-round-progressbar';

  imports: [RoundProgressModule]
export class YourModule {}

Or RoundProgressComponent, if you're using standalone:

import {Component} from '@angular/core';
import {RoundProgressComponent} from 'angular-svg-round-progressbar';

  standalone: true,
  imports: [RoundProgressComponent],
  template: '...'
export class YourComponent {}

If you're using SystemJS as your module loader, there is also a UMD bundle at ./node_modules/angular-svg-round-progressbar/bundles/angular-svg-round-progressbar.umd.js.


NameDescriptionRequiredDefault valuePossible values
currentThe current progress. Limited by the max option.Yesundefinednumber
maxThe progress' maximum value.Yesundefinednumber
radiusRadius of the circle.No125number
colorThe color of the current value on the circle.No#45cccestring
backgroundColor of the circle's background.No#eaeaeastring
strokeSpecifies the circle's thickness.No15number
semicircleWhether the progressbar should be a full circle or a semicircle.Nofalseboolean
clockwiseWhether the progressbar should rotate clockwise or counter-clockwise.Notrueboolean
responsiveWhether the progressbar should fit inside its parent container. Note Turning this option on will override the specified radius in order to make the circle fit in its parent. The radius to stroke ratio won't change.Nofalseboolean
roundedWhether the current progress ending should be rounded or straight.Nofalseboolean
durationThe duration of the animation. Pass 0 for no animation.No800number
animationDelayMilliseconds to wait before starting an animation.No0number
onRenderCallback function that gets executed every time the circle is animated. The function gets called with the current progress as it is being animated.NoundefinedFunction
animationThe easing function that will be used when animating.NoeaseOutCubiclinearEase <br> easeInQuad <br> easeOutQuad <br> easeInOutQuad <br> easeInCubic <br> easeOutCubic <br> easeInOutCubic <br> easeInQuart <br> easeOutQuart <br> easeInOutQuart <br> easeInQuint <br> easeOutQuint <br> easeInOutQuint <br> easeInSine <br> easeOutSine <br> easeInOutSine <br> easeInExpo <br> easeOutExpo <br> easeInOutExpo <br> easeInCirc <br> easeOutCirc <br> easeInOutCirc <br> easeInElastic <br> easeOutElastic <br> easeInOutElastic <br> easeInBack <br> easeOutBack <br> easeInOutBack <br> easeInBounce <br> easeOutBounce <br> easeInOutBounce <br>

Minimal example:

<round-progress [current]="current" [max]="max"/>

Full example:


Configuring the default values

The module comes with some pre-configured options for things like colors, size, stroke etc. If these don't match your app's design, you can change the global defaults by providing a new value for the ROUND_PROGRESS_DEFAULTS injection token. Whenever an option isn't defined on a round-progress element, it's value will be taken from the defaults.

import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
import {
} from 'angular-svg-round-progressbar';

  imports: [RoundProgressModule],
  providers: [{
    useValue: {
      color: '#f00',
      background: '#0f0'
export class YourModule {};

Browser support

Note: Some older browsers may require (a polyfill for requestAnimationFrame). Read more about the requestAnimationFrame browser support.


The project uses yarn to manage dependencies to make sure that you have it installed.
