

Packagist Packagist

Magento 2 Frontools

Set of front-end tools for Magento 2



  1. Run composer require creaminternet/frontools
  2. Go to package directory cd vendor/creaminternet/frontools
  3. Run yarn or npm install
  4. Decide where you want to keep your config files. You can store them in Frontools config directory or in dev/tools/frontools/config (recommended). There is a setup task to copy all sample config files from the config to dev/tools/frontools/config and create a convenient symlink tools in the project root. If you want to keep config files inside frontools config dir, you have to handle this manually.
  5. Define your themes in themes.json.

themes.json structure

Check config/themes.json.sample to get samples.

watcher.json structure

Check config/watcher.json.sample to get samples.

Optional configurations for 3rd party plugins

You will find sample config files for theses plugins in vendor/creaminternet/frontools/config directory.

Tasks list

Use yarn [taskName] or npm run [taskName] to run the task.