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RRDcached Docker image.

[!TIP] Want to be notified of new releases? Check out 🔔 Diun (Docker Image Update Notifier) project!


Build locally

git clone https://github.com/crazy-max/docker-rrdcached.git
cd docker-rrdcached

# Build image and output to docker (default)
docker buildx bake

# Build multi-platform image
docker buildx bake image-all


Docker Hubcrazymax/rrdcached
GitHub Container Registryghcr.io/crazy-max/rrdcached

Following platforms for this image are available:

$ docker run --rm mplatform/mquery crazymax/rrdcached:latest
Image: crazymax/rrdcached:latest
 * Manifest List: Yes
 * Supported platforms:
   - linux/amd64
   - linux/arm/v6
   - linux/arm/v7
   - linux/arm64
   - linux/386
   - linux/ppc64le
   - linux/s390x

Environment variables

More info : https://github.com/oetiker/rrdtool-1.x/blob/master/doc/rrdcached.pod


:warning: Note that the volumes should be owned by the user/group with the specified PUID and PGID. If you don't give the volume correct permissions, the container may not start.



Docker Compose

Docker compose is the recommended way to run this image. You can use the following compose template, then run the container:

docker compose up -d
docker compose logs -f

Command line

You can also use the following minimal command:

$ docker run -d -p 42217:42217 --name rrdcached \
  -e TZ="Europe/Paris" \
  -v $(pwd)/data/db:/data/db \
  -v $(pwd)/data/journal:/data/journal \


Recreate the container whenever I push an update:

docker compose pull
docker compose up -d


Want to contribute? Awesome! The most basic way to show your support is to star the project, or to raise issues. You can also support this project by becoming a sponsor on GitHub or by making a PayPal donation to ensure this journey continues indefinitely!

Thanks again for your support, it is much appreciated! :pray:


MIT. See LICENSE for more details.