

Nix Dependency Visualizer

Script that automates the generation of pretty dependency graphs from the output of nix-store -q --graph <package>.

Example Images

<img src="images/nix.png" width="33%"><img src="images/dbs.png" width="66%"> <img src="images/git.png" width="100%">

The above graphs show the dependency tree for Nix (top-left), for both SQLAlchemy and knex (top-right image), and for Git (bottom). The Nix dependency tree was generated with the following command

nix-visualize /nix/store/<hash>-nix-1.11.4 -c config.cfg -s nix -o nix.png

the database image was generated with

nix-visualize /nix/store/<hash>-python3.4-SQLAlchemy-1.0.15 /nix/store/<hash>-knex-0.8.6-nodejs-4.6.0 -c config.cfg -s dbs -o dbs.png

and the git image was generated with

nix-visualize /nix/store/<hash>-git-2.10.1 -c config.cfg -s git -o git.png

The configuration parameters to generate all of these images are provided in config.cfg


Nix Installation (preferred)


This project has a flake that outputs packages.${system}.nix-visualize which is also the default package.

You can run it like this: nix run github:craigmbooth/nix-visualize -- <args>


The file default.nix in the root of this directory contains the definition for nix-visualize.

So, for example, you could download the zip file of this repo and then unpack it, cd into it and run nix-build ./default.nix, after which ./result/bin/nix-visualize is available.

Non-Nix Installation

Install the prerequisites for the package. On Linux based distributions:

You can then either download this repo and issue the command

python setup.py install

Or, the package is available on PyPI under the name nix-visualize, so it can be pip installed

pip install nix-visualize

Command Line Options

After installation, the minimal way to run the CLI is

nix-visualize <path-to-nix-store-object>

which will generate a graph of the dependency tree for the nix store object using sensible defaults for both appearance and graph layout. In order to override settings, use a configuration file in .ini format.

usage: visualize_tree.py [-h] [--configfile CONFIGFILE]
                         [--configsection CONFIGSECTION] [--output OUTPUT]
                         [--verbose] [--no-verbose]
                         packages [packages ...]

The command line options have the following meanings:

Configuration Files

If there is only a single section in the configuration file, it is only necessary to specify the --configfile option. If the config file contains more than one section it is also necessary to specify --configsection.


List of parameters

Graph Layout Algorithm

Packages are sorted vertically such that all packages are above everything that they depend upon, and horizontally so that they are close to their direct requirements, while not overlapping more than is necessary.

Vertical Positioning

Since dependency trees are acyclic, it is possible to sort the tree so that every package appears below everything it depends on. The first step of the graph layout is to perform this sort, which I refer to in the code as adding "levels" to packages. The bottom of the tree, level n, consists of any packages that can be built without any external dependencies. The level above that, level n-1 contains any packages that can be built using only packages on level n. The level above that, n-2, contains any packages that can be built using only packages on levels n-1 and n. In this way, all packages on the tree sit above any of their dependencies, and the package we're diagramming out sits at the top of the tree.

<img src="images/levels.png" width="50%" align="middle">

Adding vertical offsets

In order to keep labels legible, after putting the packages on levels, some of them are given a small vertical offset. This is done by sorting each level by x-position, and then cycling through sublevels and offsetting each node by an amount equal to y_sublevel_spacing

<img src="images/sublevels.png">

Horizontal Positioning

Initially the horizontal positions for packages are chosen randomly, but the structure of the underlying graph is made clearer if we try to optimize for two things:

  1. A package should be vertically aligned with the things it depends upon (i.e. the nodes on the level above it that it is linked to), in order to minimize edge crossing as far as possible
  2. A package should try not to be too close to another package on the same level, so as not to have nodes overlap.
<img src="images/horizontal.png" align="middle">


This software was written at 37,000 feet. Thank you to American Airlines for putting me on a janky old plane for a 9 hour flight with no television.