

<h1 align="center"> <div><img src="./icon.svg" width="100" height="100" alt="Craft Generator icon"></div> Craft Generator </h1>

Scaffold new Craft CMS plugins, modules, and system components from the CLI.


To install, run the following command within a Craft project:

composer require craftcms/generator --dev

Note If you get the following prompt, make sure to answer y:

yiisoft/yii2-composer contains a Composer plugin which is currently not in your allow-plugins config. See https://getcomposer.org/allow-plugins
Do you trust "yiisoft/yii2-composer" to execute code and wish to enable it now? (writes "allow-plugins" to composer.json)


Run the following command to output the usage instructions:

php craft make

Plugin and module generation

You can create new plugins and modules using the following commands:

php craft make plugin
php craft make module

System component generation

You can create new system components using the following commands:

php craft make asset-bundle
php craft make behavior
php craft make command
php craft make controller
php craft make element-action
php craft make element-condition-rule
php craft make element-exporter
php craft make element-type
php craft make field-type
php craft make filesystem-type
php craft make generator
php craft make gql-directive
php craft make model
php craft make module
php craft make plugin
php craft make queue-job
php craft make record
php craft make service
php craft make twig-extension
php craft make utility
php craft make validator
php craft make widget-type

All component generation commands require one of the following options to be passed, which identify where the component is going to live:

For example, if you’re creating a new field type for a plugin called foo-bar, you would run:

php craft make field-type --plugin=foo-bar

Creating custom generators

If you have a plugin that has its own component type that could benefit from a custom generator, you can quickly create one with the following command:

php craft make generator --plugin=<plugin-handle>

You’ll be presented with the following prompts:

Your generator will be created based on the provided class name and namespace, which extends craft\generator\BaseGenerator.


The following generator types are being considered for future releases: