

Festin logo

FestIN the powered S3 bucket finder and content discover

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What is FestIn

FestIn is a tool for discovering open S3 Buckets starting from a domains.

It perform a lot of test and collects information from:

Why Festin

There's a lot of S3 tools for enumeration and discover S3 bucket. Some of them are great but anyone have a complete list of features that Festin has.

Main features that does Festin great:


Using Python

Python 3.8 of above needed!
$ pip install festin
$ festin -h

Using Docker

$ docker run --rm -it cr0hn/festin -h

Full options

$ festin -h
usage: __main__.py [-h] [--version] [-f FILE_DOMAINS] [-w] [-c CONCURRENCY] [--no-links] [-T HTTP_TIMEOUT] [-M HTTP_MAX_RECURSION] [-dr DOMAIN_REGEX] [-rr RESULT_FILE] [-rd DISCOVERED_DOMAINS] [-ra RAW_DISCOVERED_DOMAINS]
                   [--tor] [--debug] [--no-print] [-q] [--index] [--index-server INDEX_SERVER] [-dn] [-ds DNS_RESOLVER]
                   [domains [domains ...]]

Festin - the powered S3 bucket finder and content discover

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --version             show version
  -f FILE_DOMAINS, --file-domains FILE_DOMAINS
                        file with domains
  -w, --watch           watch for new domains in file domains '-f' option
                        max concurrency

HTTP Probes:
  --no-links            extract web site links
  -T HTTP_TIMEOUT, --http-timeout HTTP_TIMEOUT
                        set timeout for http connections
                        maximum recursison when follow links
  -dr DOMAIN_REGEX, --domain-regex DOMAIN_REGEX
                        only follow domains that matches this regex

  -rr RESULT_FILE, --result-file RESULT_FILE
                        results file
                        file name for storing new discovered after apply filters
                        file name for storing any domain without filters

  --tor                 Use Tor as proxy

Display options:
  --debug               enable debug mode
  --no-print            doesn't print results in screen
  -q, --quiet           Use quiet mode

Redis Search:
  --index               Download and index documents into Redis
  --index-server INDEX_SERVER
                        Redis Search ServerDefault: redis://localhost:6379

DNS options:
  -dn, --no-dnsdiscover
                        not follow dns cnames
  -ds DNS_RESOLVER, --dns-resolver DNS_RESOLVER
                        comma separated custom domain name servers


Configure search domains

By default FestIn accepts a start domain as command line parameter:

> festin mydomain.com

But you also cat setup an external file with a list of domains:

> cat domains.txt
> festin -f domains.txt 


FestIn performs a lot of test for a domain. Each test was made concurrently. By default concurrency is set to 5. If you want to increase the number of concurrency tests you must set the option -c

> festin -c 10 mydomain.com 
Be carefull with the number of concurrency test or "alarms" could raises in some web sites.

HTTP Crawling configuration

FestIn embed a small crawler to discover links to S3 buckets. Crawler accepts these options:


> echo "cdn" > blacklist.txt
> echo "photos" >> blacklist.txt
> festin -T 20 -M 8 -B blacklist.txt -dr .mydomain. mydomain.com 
BE CAREFUL: -dr (or --domain-regex) only accept valid POSIX regex. 

*mydomain.com* -> is not a valida POSIX regex
.mydomain\.com. -> is a valida POSIX regex

Manage results

When FestIn runs it discover a lot of useful information. Not only about S3 buckets, also for other probes we could do. For example:

After we use FestIn we can use discovered information (domains, links, resources, other buckets...) as input of other tools, like nmap.

For above reason FestIn has 3 different modes to store discovered information and we can combine them:


> festin -rr festin.results -rd discovered-domains.txt -ra raw-domains.txt mydomain.txt 

And, chaining with Nmap:

> festin -rd domains.txt && nmap -Pn -A -iL domains.txt -oN nmap-domains.txt 

Proxy usage

FestIn embeds the option --tor. By using this parameter you need local Tor proxy running at port 9050 at

> tor &
> festin --tor mydomain.com 

DNS Options

Some tests made by FestIn involves DNS. It support these options:


> festin -ds mydomain.com 

Full Text Support

FestIn not only can discover open S3 buckets. It also can download all content and store them in a Full Text Search Engine. This means that you can perform Full Text Queries to the content of the bucket!

FestIn uses as Full Text Engine the Open Source project Redis Search.

This feature has two options:


> docker run --rm -p 6700:6379 redislabs/redisearch:latest -d
> festin --index --index-server redis:// mydomain.com
Pay attention to option `--index-server` is must has the prefix **redis://** 

Running as a service (or watching mode)

Some times we don't want to stop FestIn and launch them some times when we have a new domain to inspect or any external tool discovered new domains we want to check.

FestIn supports watching mode. This means that FestIn will start and listen for new domains. The way to "send" new domains to FestIn is by domains file. It monitor this file for changes.

This feature is useful to combine FestIn with other tools, like dnsrecon


> festin --watch -f domains.txt 

In a different terminal we can write:

> echo "my-second-domain.com" >> domains.txt 
> echo "another-domain.com" >> domains.txt 

Each new domain added to domains.txt will wakeup FestIn.

Example: Mixing FesTin + DnsRecon

Using DnsRecon

The domain chosen for this example is target.com.

Step 1 - Run dnsrecon with desired options against target domain and save the output

>  dnsrecon -d target.com -t crt -c target.com.csv

With this command we are going to find out other domains related to target.com. This will help to maximize our chances of success.

Step 2 - Prepare the previous generated file to feed FestIn

> tail -n +2 target.com.csv | sort -u | cut -d "," -f 2 >> target.com.domains

With this command we generate a file with one domain per line. This is the input that FestIn needs.

Step 3 - Run FestIn with desired options and save output

>  festin -f target.com.domains -c 5 -rr target.com.result.json --tor -ds >target.com.stdout 2>target.com.stderr

In this example the resulting files are:

In order to easy the processing of multiple domains, we provide a simple script examples/loop.sh that automatize this.

Using FestIn with DnsRecon results

Run against target.com with default options and leaving result to target.com.result file:

> festin target.com -rr target.com.result.json 
Run against target.com using tor proxy, with concurrency of 5, using DNS for resolving CNAMEs and leaving result to target.com.result file:
> festin target.com -c 5 -rr target.com.result.json --tor -ds 


Q: AWS bans my IP A:

When you perform a lot of test against AWS S3, AWS includes your IP in a black list. Then each time you want to access to any S3 bucket with FestIn of with your browser will be blocked.

We recommend to setup a proxy when you use FestIn.

Who uses FestIn


Mr looquer

They analyze and assess your company risk exposure in real time. Website


This project is distributed under BSD license