


A Go library to handle acme-dns client communication and persistent account storage.

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You may also be interested in a Python equivalent, pyacmedns.


Once you have installed Go 1.15+ you can install goacmedns with go get:

 go get github.com/cpu/goacmedns/...


The following is a short example of using the library to update a TXT record served by an acme-dns instance.

package main

import (


const (
	domain = "your.example.org"

var (
	whitelistedNetworks = []string{"", "[::1]/128"}

func main() {
	// Initialize the client. Point it towards your acme-dns instance.
	client := goacmedns.NewClient("https://auth.acme-dns.io")
	// Initialize the storage. If the file does not exist, it will be
	// automatically created.
	storage := goacmedns.NewFileStorage("/tmp/storage.json", 0600)

	// Check if credentials were previously saved for your domain
	account, err := storage.Fetch(domain)
	if err != nil && err != goacmedns.ErrDomainNotFound {
	} else if err == goacmedns.ErrDomainNotFound {
		// The account did not exist. Let's create a new one
		// The whitelisted networks parameter is optional and can be nil
		newAcct, err := client.RegisterAccount(whitelistedNetworks)
		if err != nil {
		// Save it
		err = storage.Put(domain, newAcct)
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("Failed to put account in storage: %v", err)
		err = storage.Save()
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("Failed to save storage: %v", err)
		account = newAcct

	// Update the acme-dns TXT record
	err = client.UpdateTXTRecord(account, "___validation_token_recieved_from_the_ca___")
	if err != nil {


When using goacmedns with an ACME client hook it may be desirable to do the initial ACME-DNS account creation and CNAME delegation ahead of time The goacmedns-register command line utility provides an easy way to do this:

 go install github.com/cpu/goacmedns/...
 goacmedns-register -api -domain example.com -allowFrom,,2002:c0a8:2a00::0/40 -storage /tmp/example.storage.json

This will register an account for example.com that is only usable from the specified CIDR -allowFrom networks with the ACME-DNS server at, saving the account details in /tmp/example.storage.json and printing the required CNAME record for the example.com DNS zone to stdout.