

Vagrant Setup for CakePHP 3.x

This will generate the config files needed to get your vagrant environment setup for cakePHP running on Ubuntu 20.04 with PHP 7.4 on nginx.


Running the generator

To run the generator use the following command:

curl -sS https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cpierce/cakephp-vagrant-setup/master/scripts/vagrant_setup.php | php -- --ip --hostname dev.cpierce.org

After the Vagrant file is created you can simply use the vagrant up command to start provisioning your local environment!

This will install the Vagrantfile you'll need. All available options are listed in the table below.

ipIP Address for your virtual machine to use.--ip
hostnameHostname to use for virtual environment.--hostname dev.cpierce.org
memory-limitAmount of memory in MB virtual environment should consume when running.--memory-limit 1024
cpu-limitNumber of virtual CPUs to give virtual environment.--cpu-limit 1
skip-hostSkip the echo of the hostfile information if you don't want to do the sudo tee -a /etc/hosts part or do the host setup manually.--skip-host

Note: While you can have multiple hosts with the same IP Address, you cannot run them at the same time so it is always recommended to change the host IP Address for each configuration you setup. Note: Also thanks to Google making .dev (TLD) a require https on the HSTS you'll now have to either use another tld that isn't real or just do what I've been doing and update the dns for your domain such as dev.cpierce.org. One benefit of this is that you don't have to make changes to your host file and multiple people can use the same dev hostname. If you don't know how to do this you are welcome to use the default http://dev.cpierce.org/ to develop with.