

CovidWatch Android POC

Android POC for www.covid-watch.org

BLE is a low power protocol with cross-platform OS support for background operation. The app will be able to constantly run, detecting and logging all contact events with other nearby app users.

The approach currently being investigated utilizes BLE functionality for background advertisement and scanning. Due to different system requirements for Android and iOS, the protocol works differently depending on the operating systems of the devices involved. The key challenges are:

  1. iOS devices acting as peripherals in the background can only be found by centrals that are scanning for their specific service UUID. These peripherals must establish a connection to transfer any data.
  2. Android devices have an unfixed bug (https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/125138967) where subsequent connections with many devices can cause the bluetooth system to lock up.

The current solution is a hybrid model that is asymmetric for communication between iOS and Android. All devices will simultaneously act as peripherals and centrals, but only some devices will be able to detect others, and only some devices will need to establish a connection to exchange data.

Android Peripheral

iOS Peripheral

Android Central

iOS Central

Under the current model, Android devices will be able to detect other Android devices and iOS devices will be able to detect all devices. The asymmetry of the model is not ideal, but all phones will be able to locally share a Contact Event Number when in the vicinity of other phones, so the requirements specified in the privacy model are achieved. For Android to Android or iOS to iOS detection, two contact event numbers will likely be generated for each interaction (because each phone acts as both a peripheral and a central). This can be trivially adjusted for in the risk model.

In an upcoming update, the ability for iOS centrals to write to Android peripherals will be added. This will enable symmetric communication between all device types and enable an updated cryptographic system.