Snake Tail
The command line interface to Snake. If Web UIs and cURL are not your thing, then this is for you!
To install perform the following:
pip3 install git+
Snake Tail supports the following, as displayed by its usage page:
snake-tail -h
usage: snake-tail [-h] [--insecure] [--json]
positional arguments:
command help
command execute a command on a sample in snake
download download a sample from snake
file get information about a file from snake
memory get information about a memory from snake
note get the note for a sample
scale interact with snake's scales
scales list installed scales
store get information about samples in snake
upload upload a sample to snake
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--insecure ignore ssl verification
--json return all output in json (where applicable)
By default, Snake Tail will try to communicate with Snake over localhost:5000
this can be overridden by setting the environment file SNAKE_URL
export SNAKE_URL=''