


What is Cosmscan?

Cosmscan is a indexer engine for cosmos based blockchain.

Builders often want to serve a indexed query such as aggregation, search, and so on. The native query on Cosmos RPC is not enough for this purpose, basically it stores all the data on the LSM tree (LevelDB) which is efficient to perform high write throughput. On the other side, it has an inefficiency to answer the following questions.

Cosmscan is here to solve this problem. 🚀🚀


Test on the local machine

$ cd ./example/docker
$ docker-compose up -d

Launch API Server

$ make build
$ ./bin/server --config-file ./config-server.yml

2023-01-04T13:39:35.588+0900    INFO    api     api/server.go:41        starting api server



If you are interested in contributing to this project, Please feel free to open issue or pull request.