

Cosmos Validator Monitoring Service(CVMS) 🌌 πŸ”­

βœ… Validators in Cosmos-SDK-based chains sometimes have additional responsibilities beyond block production. In this document, we refer to these responsibilities as duties.

Background About CVMS

The Cosmos ecosystem comprises app chains built on Cosmos-SDK, which, despite having similar system architectures, often require validators to perform a wider range of customized duties (like oracle or EVM bridging services) in addition to maintaining standard consensus security.

For example, a duty might have different names or applications across Chain A and Chain B.

As a result, validators use different custom paths designated by each app chain to check their current status and prevent penalties, such as slashing, when performing specific duties. Moreover, for duties outside the consensus, it’s challenging to quickly verify the state of the network and ensure each validator is compliant.

To alleviate the burden of checking various conditions unique to the Cosmos ecosystem, Cosmostation has developed the Cosmos Validator Monitoring System (CVMS), an integrated monitoring system for validators and network maintainers in the Cosmos ecosystem.

Through CVMS, we aim to provide validators, blockchain network maintainers, and other developers in the Cosmos ecosystem with a straightforward way to monitor and overview the consensus, duties, and other unique characteristics of each Cosmos app chain as integrated metrics without additional effort.


The Cosmos Validator Monitoring Service (CVMS) is an integrated monitoring system for validators within the Cosmos app chain ecosystem.

CVMS consolidates key metrics essential to validators and the network, such as slashing uptime, oracle status, and bridge status, into a single metric view for each chain.

CVMS supports two modes: validator mode(for monitoring whitelisted validator) and network mode(for monitoring all validators in the network), determined by the moniker setup in the configuration. For instance, specifying moniker=['Cosmostation1', 'Cosmostation2'] enables monitoring of specific validators, representing validator mode, while moniker=['all'] monitors all validators, representing network mode.

Depending on the mode, CVMS provides different overviews.

πŸš€ Validator Mode

In validator mode, CVMS offers an overview that makes it easy to check the essential elements required for validators.

πŸ›°οΈ Network Mode

In network mode, CVMS provides an overview that allows users to check the status of the network alongside the state of distributed validators concerning elements essential to a specific chain.

network mode dashboard1

network mode dashboard2

Supported Packages

The packages currently supported by CVMS are as follows:

packagesupport chains
balanceall for native token
eventnonceinjective(peggo) / gravity-bridge(gbt) / sommelier(steward)
oraclesei(price-feeder) / umee(price-feeder) / nibiru(price-feeder)
veindexer(validator-extension-vote)all if existed


We recommend running the CVMS application in Docker by default. If there are components in the default Docker Compose setup that you find unnecessary, you can disable them with a Docker override.

Initially, we could not account for all app chains within the Cosmos ecosystem. Therefore, by default, this application operates based on the chains listed in support_chains.yaml

If the chain you want to monitor is not in the support chain list, you can add it to the custom_chains.yaml list or update the support chains list through a PR.

If you want to know more details how to setup CVMS from scratch, Click hereπŸ‘‡

# 1. Create a config file from example config
# case1) for validator mode
cp .resource/example-validator-config.yaml config.yaml
# case2) for network mode
cp .resource/example-network-config.yaml config.yaml

# 2. Modify config yaml
vi config.yaml

# 3. Custom the enviroments to suit your needs
# This is not necessary, but if you want to make custom config for prometheus, alertmanger or cvms's log level
cp .resource/.env.example .env

# 4. Run cvms
docker compose up --build -d

Additional Information

Alerting Rule Samples

We provide alerting rules for easy use by developers. πŸ‘‰ Check here!

Grafana Dashboards Samples

We provide basic dashboards for easy use by developers. πŸ‘‰ Check here!

Prometheus Metrics Description

All metrics are prefixed with cvms as the namespace, with the package name as a subspace.

Block Package Metrics

cvms_block_heightcvms_block_height{chain="cosmos",chain_id="cosmoshub-4",endpoint="http://localhost:26657",mainnet="true",package="block",table_chain_id="cosmoshub_4"} 2.2962294e+07
cvms_block_timestampcvms_block_timestamp{chain="cosmos",chain_id="cosmoshub-4",endpoint="https://rpc.cosmos.endpoint",mainnet="true",package="block",table_chain_id="cosmoshub_4"} 1.730959212e+09

Uptime Package Metrics

cvms_uptime_min_signed_per_windowcvms_uptime_min_signed_per_window{chain="cosmos",chain_id="cosmoshub-4",mainnet="true",package="uptime",table_chain_id="cosmoshub_4"} 0.05
cvms_uptime_signed_blocks_windowcvms_uptime_signed_blocks_window{chain="cosmos",chain_id="cosmoshub-4",mainnet="true",package="uptime",table_chain_id="cosmoshub_4"} 10000
cvms_uptime_missed_blocks_countercvms_uptime_missed_blocks_counter{chain="cosmos",chain_id="cosmoshub-4",mainnet="true",moniker="Cosmostation",package="uptime",proposer_address="099E2B09583331AFDE35E5FA96673D2CA7DEA316",table_chain_id="cosmoshub_4",validator_consensus_address="cosmosvalcons1px0zkz2cxvc6lh34uhafveea9jnaagckmrlsye",validator_operator_address="cosmosvaloper1clpqr4nrk4khgkxj78fcwwh6dl3uw4epsluffn"} 2

Balance Package Metrics

cvms_balance_remaining_amountcvms_balance_remaining_amount{balance_address="kava1ujfrlcd0ted58mzplnyxzklsw0sqevlgxndanp",chain="kava",chain_id="kava_2222-10",mainnet="true",package="balance",table_chain_id="kava_2222_10"} 43.330051

Upgrade Package Metrics

cvms_upgrade_remaining_timecvms_upgrade_remaining_time{chain="sei",chain_id="atlantic-2",mainnet="false",package="upgrade",table_chain_id="atlantic_2",upgrade_name="v6.0.0"} 119140

Eventnonce Package Metrics

cvms_eventnonce_highest_noncecvms_eventnonce_highest_nonce{chain="injective",chain_id="injective-1",mainnet="true",package="eventnonce",table_chain_id="injective_1"} 74009
cvms_eventnonce_noncecvms_eventnonce_nonce{chain="injective",chain_id="injective-1",mainnet="true",moniker="Cosmostation",orchestrator_address="inj1mtxhcchfyvvs6u4nmnylgkxvkrax7c2la69l8w",package="eventnonce",table_chain_id="injective_1",validator_operator_address="injvaloper1rvqzf9u2uxttmshn302anlknfgsatrh5v7fl7e"} 74009

Oracle Package Metrics

cvms_oracle_min_valid_per_windowcvms_oracle_min_valid_per_window{chain="sei",chain_id="pacific-1",mainnet="true",package="oracle",table_chain_id="pacific_1"} 0.05
cvms_oracle_slash_windowcvms_oracle_slash_window{chain="sei",chain_id="pacific-1",mainnet="true",package="oracle",table_chain_id="pacific_1"} 216000
cvms_oracle_vote_periodcvms_oracle_vote_period{chain="sei",chain_id="pacific-1",mainnet="true",package="oracle",table_chain_id="pacific_1"} 2
cvms_oracle_vote_windowcvms_oracle_vote_window{chain="sei",chain_id="pacific-1",mainnet="true",package="oracle",table_chain_id="pacific_1"} 108000
cvms_oracle_block_heightcvms_oracle_block_height{chain="sei",chain_id="pacific-1",mainnet="true",package="oracle",table_chain_id="pacific_1"} 1.13408997e+08
cvms_oracle_miss_countercvms_oracle_miss_counter{chain="sei",chain_id="pacific-1",mainnet="true",moniker="Cosmostation",package="oracle",table_chain_id="pacific_1",validator_operator_address="seivaloper1hnkkqnzwmyw652muh6wfea7xlfgplnyj0ku4w4"} 0

Yoda Package Metrics

cvms_yoda_statuscvms_yoda_status{chain="band",chain_id="band-laozi-testnet6",mainnet="false",moniker="Cosmostation",package="yoda",table_chain_id="band_laozi_testnet6",validator_operator_address="bandvaloper1kfj48adjsnrgu83lau6wc646q2uf65rf84tzus"} 1

Axelar-EVM Package Metrics

cvms_axelar_evm_activated_chaincvms_axelar_evm_activated_chain{chain="axelar",chain_id="axelar-dojo-1",evm_chain="Ethereum",mainnet="true",package="axelar-evm",table_chain_id="axelar_dojo_1"} 1
cvms_axelar_evm_maintainer_statuscvms_axelar_evm_maintainer_status{chain="axelar",chain_id="axelar-dojo-1",evm_chain="Ethereum",mainnet="true",moniker="Cosmostation",package="axelar-evm",table_chain_id="axelar_dojo_1",validator_operator_address="axelarvaloper1kj8j6hkmgfvtxpgfuskj602sxs5dsfkm6ewm4l"} 1


CVMS is consists of two parts(exporter & indexer).

The Exporter is for providing current status in the onchain, but integrated common metrics name regardless of the app chain such as eventnonce, price-feeder, uptime or something.

Example Exporter Package Integration Method

graph BT
    subgraph Cosmos App Chains
        A2[Gravity Bridge]

    subgraph CVMS Exporter
        subgraph Eventnonce Package
            B1[Eventnonce Package] -- injective chain's eventnonce query path  ---> A1
            B1[Eventnonce Package] -- gravity bridge chain's eventnonce query path  ---> A2
            B1[Eventnonce Package] -- sommelier chain's eventnonce query path  ---> A3

            B1 -- integrated cvms metrics about all chains --> B2[Metrics]

        subgraph Exporter DB
            C1[Prometheus] --> B2[Metrics]

And the Indexer is for providing integrated historical status in the onchain likewise such as vote status(in the last 10,000 blocks), last proposed block number or something.

Example Indexer Package Integration Method

graph RL
    subgraph Cosmos App Chains

    subgraph CVMS Indexer
        subgraph Indexer Packages
            B1[Voteindexer Package] -- collect validators' vote signatures at each blocks ---> A1
            B2[AxelarEVMIndexer Package] -- collect validators' evm votings at each blocks  ---> A2
            B3[SlinkyIndexer Package] -- collect validators' oracle voting signatures at each blocks ---> A3

        subgraph Indexer DB
            B1 & B2 & B3 --> C1[Postgres]

CVMS System Architecture

graph RL
    subgraph Cosmos App Chains
        A1[A app chain]
        A2[B app chain]
        A3[C app chain]

    subgraph CVMS
        subgraph Indexer
            B2[Indexer] ----> A1 & A2 & A3

        subgraph Exporter
            B1[Exporter] ----> A1 & A2 & A3
            B1[Exporter] -- integrated cvms metrics ---> B12[Metrics]

        subgraph Indexer DB
            B2[Indexer] -- indexing historical data ---> C2[Postgres]

        subgraph Exporter DB
            C1[Prometheus] --> B12[Metrics]

        subgraph Monitoring
            D1[Grafana] -- PromQL --> C1[Prometheus]
            D1[Grafana] -- SQL --> C2[Postgres]

            D1 & C1 -- firing --> D2[Alertmanger]