Kafka bindings for Haskell backed by the librdkafka C module. It has been tested and fully supports Kafka using librdkafka and higher on Linux and OS X. Haskakafka supports both producers and consumers with optional batch operations.
A quick walkthrough of producers and consumers:
import Haskakafka
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C8
example :: IO ()
example = do
-- Optionally, we can configure certain parameters for Kafka
kafkaConfig = [("", "50000")]
topicConfig = [("", "50000")]
-- Payloads are just ByteStrings
samplePayload = C8.pack "Hello world"
-- withKafkaProducer opens a producer connection and gives us
-- two objects for subsequent use.
withKafkaProducer kafkaConfig topicConfig
"localhost:9092" "test_topic"
$ \kafka topic -> do
-- Produce a single unkeyed message to partition 0
let message = KafkaProduceMessage samplePayload
_ <- produceMessage topic (KafkaSpecifiedPartition 0) message
-- Produce a single keyed message
let keyMessage = KafkaProduceKeyedMessage (C8.pack "Key") samplePayload
_ <- produceKeyedMessage topic keyMessage
-- We can also use the batch API for better performance
_ <- produceMessageBatch topic KafkaUnassignedPartition [message, keyMessage]
putStrLn "Done producing messages, here was our config: "
dumpConfFromKafka kafka >>= \d -> putStrLn $ "Kafka config: " ++ (show d)
dumpConfFromKafkaTopic topic >>= \d -> putStrLn $ "Topic config: " ++ (show d)
-- withKafkaConsumer opens a consumer connection and starts consuming
let partition = 0
withKafkaConsumer kafkaConfig topicConfig
"localhost:9092" "test_topic"
partition -- locked to a specific partition for each consumer
KafkaOffsetBeginning -- start reading from beginning (alternatively, use
-- KafkaOffsetEnd, KafkaOffset or KafkaOffsetStored)
$ \kafka topic -> do
-- Consume a single message at a time
let timeoutMs = 1000
me <- consumeMessage topic partition timeoutMs
case me of
(Left err) -> putStrLn $ "Uh oh, an error! " ++ (show err)
(Right m) -> putStrLn $ "Woo, payload was " ++ (C8.unpack $ messagePayload m)
-- For better performance, consume in batches
let maxMessages = 10
mes <- consumeMessageBatch topic partition timeoutMs maxMessages
case mes of
(Left err) -> putStrLn $ "Something went wrong in batch consume! " ++ (show err)
(Right ms) -> putStrLn $ "Woohoo, we got " ++ (show $ length ms) ++ " messages"
-- Be a little less noisy
setLogLevel kafka KafkaLogCrit
-- we can also fetch metadata about our Kafka infrastructure
let timeoutMs = 1000
emd <- fetchBrokerMetadata [] "localhost:9092" timeoutMs
case emd of
(Left err) -> putStrLn $ "Uh oh, error time: " ++ (show err)
(Right md) -> putStrLn $ "Kafka metadata: " ++ (show md)
Configuration Options
Configuration options are set in the call to withKafkaConsumer
and withKafkaProducer
. For
the full list of supported options, see
librdkafka's list.
High Level Consumers
High level consumers are supported by librdkafka starting from version 0.9. High-level consumers have the ability to handle more than one partition and even more than one topic. Scalability and rebalancing are taken care of by librdkafka: once a new consumer in the same consumer group is started the rebalance happens and all consumer share the load.
This version of Haskakafka adds (experimental) support for high-level consumers, here is how such a consumer can be used in code:
import Haskakafka
import Haskakafka.Consumer
runConsumerExample :: IO ()
runConsumerExample = do
res <- runConsumer
(ConsumerGroupId "test_group") -- group id is required
[] -- extra kafka conf properties
(BrokersString "localhost:9092") -- kafka brokers to connect to
[TopicName "^hl-test*"] -- list of topics to consume, supporting regex
processMessages -- handler to consume messages
print $ show res
-- this function is used inside consumer
-- and it is responsible for polling and handling messages
-- In this case I will do 10 polls and then return a success
processMessages :: Kafka -> IO (Either KafkaError ())
processMessages kafka = do
mapM_ (\_ -> do
msg1 <- pollMessage kafka 1000
print $ show msg1) [1..10]
return $ Right ()
Installing librdkafka
Although librdkafka is available on many platforms, most of the distribution packages are too old to support haskakafka. As such, we suggest you install from the source:
git clone
cd librdkafka
make && sudo make install
If the C++ bindings fail for you, just install the C bindings alone.
cd librdkafka/src
make && sudo make install
On Debian and OS X, this will install the shared and static libraries to /usr/local/lib
Installing Kafka
The full Kafka guide is at
Installing Haskakafka
If you want to use cabal—since haskakafka uses c2hs
to generate C bindings—you may need to
explicitly install c2hs
somewhere on your path (i.e. outside of a sandbox).
To do so, run:
cabal install c2hs
Afterwards installation should work, so go for
cabal install haskakafka
This uses the latest version of Haskakafka from Hackage.
Haskakafka ships with a suite of integration tests to verify the library against
a live Kafka instance. To get these setup you must have a broker running
on localhost:9092
(or overwrite the HASKAKAFKA_TEST_BROKER
environment variable)
with a haskakafka_tests
topic created (or overwrite the HASKAKAFKA_TEST_TOPIC
environment variable).
To get a broker running, download a Kafka distribution and untar it into a directory. From there, run zookeeper using
bin/ config/
and run kafka in a separate window using
bin/ config/
With both Kafka and Zookeeper running, you can run tests through stack:
stack test
You can also run tests through cabal:
cabal install --only-dependencies --enable-tests
cabal test --log=/dev/stdout
Running Examples
stack build
stack exec -- basic --help
basic example [OPTIONS]
Fetch metadata, produce, and consume a message
Common flags:
-b --brokers=<brokers> Comma separated list in format
-t --topic=<topic> Topic to fetch / produce
-C --consumer Consumer mode
-P --producer Producer mode
-L --list Metadata list mode
-A --all Run producer, consumer, and metadata list
-p=<num> Partition (-1 for random partitioner when
using producer)
--pretty Pretty print output
-? --help Display help message
-V --version Print version information
The following will produce 11 messages on partition 5 for topic test_topic
stack exec -- basic -b ",," -t test_topic -p 5 -P
The following will consume 11 messages on partition 5 for topic test_topic
stack exec -- basic -b ",," -t test_topic -p 5 -C
The following will pretty print a list of all brokers and topics:
stack exec -- basic -b ",," -L --pretty