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An extension for Livewire that allows you to effortlessly scaffold datatables with optional pagination, search, and sort.

Live demo website will be available soon.


Via Composer

$ composer require coryrose/livewire-tables

The package will automatically register its service provider.

To publish the configuration file to config/livewire-tables.php run:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Coryrose\LivewireTables\LivewireTablesServiceProvider"


Livewire tables are created in three simple steps:

  1. Create a table component class
  2. Configure the table class using the available options
  3. Scaffold the table view (as needed when component class changes)

Create a table component class

Run the make command to generate a table class:

php artisan livewire-tables:make UsersTable



class UsersTable extends LivewireModelTable
    use WithPagination;
        public $paginate = true;
        public $pagination = 10;
        public $hasSearch = true;
        public $fields = [
                'title' => 'ID',
                'name' => 'id',
                'header_class' => '',
                'cell_class' => '',
                'sortable' => true,
                'title' => 'Name',
                'name' => 'name',
                'header_class' => '',
                'cell_class' => '',
                'sortable' => true,
                'searchable' => true,
                'title' => 'City',
                'name' => 'address.city',
                'header_class' => 'bolded',
                'cell_class' => 'bolded bg-green',
                'sortable' => true,
                'searchable' => true,
                'title' => 'Post',
                'name' => 'post.content',
                'header_class' => '',
                'cell_class' => '',
                'sortable' => true,
                'searchable' => true,
        public function render()
            return view('livewire.tables.users-table', [
                'rowData' => $this->query(),
        public function model()
            return User::class;
        public function with()
            return ['address', 'post'];

Configure the component options

First, set your base model in the model() method in the following format:

public function model()
    return User::class;

To eager load relationships, use the with() and return an array of relation(s):

public function with()
    return ['address', 'post'];

The following are editable public properties for the table class:

$paginateControls whether the data query & results are paginated. If true, the class must use WithPagination;booltrue
$paginationThe number value to paginate withinteger10
$hasSearchControls global appearance of search barbooltrue
$fieldsThe fields configuration for your tablearraynull
$cssPer-table CSS settingsarraynull


Controls the field configuration for your table

titleSet the displayed column titlestring
nameShould represent the database field name. Use '.' notation for related columns, such as user.addressstring
header_classSet a class for the <th> tag for this fieldstring or null
cell_classSet a class for the <td> tag for this fieldstring or null
sortableControl whether or not the column is sortablebool or null
searchableControl whether or not the column is searchablebool or null


Used to generate CSS classes when scaffolding the table.

These can be set globally in the configuration file, or on a per-table basis in the component class.

Note: CSS classes set in the component will override those from the configuration file where both exist.

wrapperCSS class for <div> surrounding tablestring or null
tableCSS class for <table>string or null
theadCSS class for <thead>string or null
thCSS class for <th>string or null
tbodyCSS class for <tbody>string or null
trCSS class for <tr>string or null
tdCSS class for <td>string or null
search_wrapperCSS class for <div> surrounding searchstring or null
search_inputCSS class for search <input>string or null
pagination_wrapperCSS class for <div> surrounding pagination buttonsstring or null

Scaffold the table view

When ready, scaffold the table view using the scaffold command:

php artisan livewire-tables:scaffold UsersTable


    @if ($hasSearch)
        <div style="position: relative; display: inline-block;">
        <input type="text" wire:model="search" />
            @if ($search)
                <button wire:click="clearSearch" style="position: absolute; right: 5px;">&#10005;</button>
    <table class="table-wrapper">
            <th class="header" wire:click="$emit('sortColumn', 0)">ID</th>
            <th class="header" wire:click="$emit('sortColumn', 1)">Name</th>
            <th class="header bolded" wire:click="$emit('sortColumn', 2)">City</th>
            <th class="header" wire:click="$emit('sortColumn', 3)">Post</th>
        @foreach ($rowData as $row)
                <td class="table-cell">{{ $row->id }}</td>
                <td class="table-cell">{{ $row->name }}</td>
                <td class="table-cell bolded bg-green">{{ $row->address->city }}</td>
                <td class="table-cell">{{ $row->post->content }}</td>
    @if ($paginate)
        {{ $rowData->links() }}

You can use the scaffold command continuously as you make changes to the parent component class.

Since the rendered template is simple HTML, there’s no need for table “slots” for customization - customize the template as you see fit!


Change log

Please see the changelog for more information on what has changed recently.


Please see contributing.md for details and a todolist.



MIT. Please see the license file for more information.