Hello world operator created with Bonny.
Bonny is a Kubernetes Operator SDK written in Elixir.
This operator contains all the resources necessary to define an operator (CRDs, RBAC, ServiceAccount, and Deployment). The operator itself creates a simple Deployment running the greeting-server and an HTTP Service.
The code for generating the lifecycle of a Greeting
Deployment/Service is here.
Deploying the operator outside a cluster (development):
mix deps.get
mix compile
# Deploy to kubernetes
mix bonny.gen.manifest
kubectl apply -f ./manifest.yaml
iex -S mix
Deploying the operator inside a cluster (production):
mix deps.get
mix compile
# Build docker image
mix bonny.gen.dockerfile
docker build -t ${BONNY_IMAGE} .
docker push ${BONNY_IMAGE}:latest
# Optionally, skip building the docker image and play with the operator
# export
# Deploy to kubernetes
mix bonny.gen.manifest --image ${BONNY_IMAGE}
kubectl apply -f ./manifest.yaml
Create two Greeting
Create the "Hello" and "Hola" Greeting services:
kubectl apply -f ./greetings.yaml
Inspect the greeting resources:
# you should see two greetings
kubectl get greetings
kubectl describe greetings/hello-server
kubectl describe greetings/hola-server
You should be able to browse to NodePort Service of each:
kubectl get svc/hello-server
kubectl get svc/hola-server
- http://HELLO_SERVICE_NODE_PORT/greeting/Chauncy - Hello, Chauncy
- http://HOLA_SERVICE_NODE_PORT/greeting/Chauncy - Hola, Chauncy
Kubernetes Client
This project uses a very trivial kubernetes client. It is not recommended for production.