


A small python script that creates a timestamped zip on your Desktop containing troubleshooting info.

To install:

Do the following one line at a time in Terminal:

git clone https://github.com/corpnewt/EssentialsList
cd EssentialsList
chmod +x EssentialsList.command

Then run with either ./EssentialsList.command or by double-clicking EssentialsList.command

What it gets:

The script can be customized (with more features coming in the future hopefully), but the defaults grab the following:

It also auto-finds the booted Clover install by parsing bdmesg - but will prompt the user if not found.

It can auto-mount EFI partitions, and will remember the state and return it when completed.

It saves the output to a timestamped zip on the Desktop with the format EssentialsList-[timestamp].zip

Thanks To: