

productionline-web Build Status Greenkeeper badge

npm install productionline-web --save-dev

An extension to productionline that adds common tasks for build web applications (ie minification, munging, concatenation, etc).

The are a number of additional methods this class adds to productionline, including:

There are also a number of additional tasks:

Standard "Make" Process

It is worth looking at the source for the make() method. By default, this method will copy assets from the source to destination and minify CSS/JS. This can and often will be overridden with logic suitable for your build process (example: adding transpilation or code concatenation).


See the examples, and feel free to submit PR's with new examples.

Basic Use

The source code is well documented with several feature methods.

The following would go in a file called build.js.

const Builder = ('productionline-web')
const path = require('path')
const builder = new Builder({
  commands: {
    '--make': () => {
      console.log('Running Build Process:')

      // The following are not explicitly necessary since the source,
      // assets, and destination are all being set to their defaults.
      // However; the code is written so you can supply your own
      // folder structure.
      builder.source = path.resolve('./src')
      builder.assets = path.resolve('./assets') // Relative to source!
      builder.destination = path.resolve('./dist')

      // Queue the built-in build process.

In the package.json file, add an npm command like:

  "scripts": {
    "test": "...",
    "build": "node build.js --make"

The entire process can then be run using npm run build.

Live Builds

During development, it's often useful to monitor source code and rebuild whenever a file changes. To support this, productionline contains a watch task, which will remain running and respond to file system changes.

For example:

builder.watch((action, filepath) => {