

<div align="center"> <image src="static/images/logo.svg" height="80"> <hr>

A lightweight alternative frontend for Reddit.

GitHub Tag Build License

<a href="https://eddrit.com"><img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/corenting/eddrit/master/doc/screenshots/subreddit.png" width="80%"></a>


Official instance: eddrit.com

Inspired by Nitter, an alternative frontend for Twitter.

Written with Python & Starlette.


You can use the official instance at eddrit.com.

Like Nitter, the URLs are identical to reddit, so if you can just replace reddit.com by eddrit.com to open a Reddit page in eddrit.

Deployment (for self-hosting)

You can also deploy eddrit for yourself if you don't want to use the public instance.

Docker (recommended)

You can get the image from either:

There are multiple tags:

The following architectures are supported by the Docker image:

Without Docker

If you know how to deploy a Python ASGI application, you can also deploy it directly without Docker.

For example, with gunicorn:

  1. Make sure Python >=3.12 is installed on your system as it's the minimum version supported by eddrit.
  2. Install Poetry which is used to manage dependencies of the project.
  3. Download/clone the repository and run poetry install --only main to install the application.
  4. You can then run the app through gunicorn, for example with the following command: poetry run gunicorn eddrit.app:app -w 4 -k uvicorn.workers.UvicornWorker -b


The application can be configured through environment variables (if a .env file is present, it will also be read).

eddrit needs a valkey instance to work. You need specify the connection url with the VALKEY_URL environment variable (or in your env file).

The following configuration parameters are also available:


If you wish to support the app, donations are possible here.
