

angularx-qrcode - Angular QR Code Generator

angularx-qrcode - a fast and easy-to-use Ivy compatible Ionic and Angular QR Code Generator library


angularx-qrcode is compatible with Ionic 3/4/5 and Angular 4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12/13/14/15/16/17+ with support for the Ivy compiler. It is a drop-in replacement for the no-longer-maintained angular component ng2-qrcode and based on node-qrcode.


Angular 17 and Ionic with angularx-qrcode 17

npm install angularx-qrcode --save
# Or with yarn
yarn add angularx-qrcode

Angular 16 and Ionic with angularx-qrcode 16

npm install angularx-qrcode@16.0.2 --save
# Or with yarn
yarn add angularx-qrcode@16.0.2

Angular 15 and Ionic with angularx-qrcode 15

npm install angularx-qrcode@15.0.1 --save
# Or with yarn
yarn add angularx-qrcode@15.0.1

Older supported angular versions

# angular 14 and Ionic
npm install angularx-qrcode@14.0.0 --save
# angular 13 and Ionic
npm install angularx-qrcode@13.0.15 --save
# angular 12 and Ionic
npm install angularx-qrcode@12.0.3 --save
# angular 11 and Ionic
npm install angularx-qrcode@11.0.0 --save
# angular 10 and Ionic
npm install angularx-qrcode@10.0.12 --save
# angular 9 and Ionic
npm install angularx-qrcode@~2.3.7 --save
# angular 8 and Ionic
npm install angularx-qrcode@~2.1.4 --save
# angular 5/6/7
npm install angularx-qrcode@1.6.4 --save
# Angular 4
npm install angularx-qrcode@1.0.3 --save

Demo App

Working online demo of Angular QR Code Generator

The source for the demo angular app is available in projects/demo-app. Run the command

npm start

and open the url http://localhost:4200/ in your browser

Usage and Example Implementations

The source for a live angularx-qrcode demo app and more examples how to implement angularx-qrcode is in the folder projects/demo-app in this repository.

Import the module and add it to your imports section in your main AppModule:

// File: app.module.ts
// all your other imports...
import { QRCodeModule } from 'angularx-qrcode';

declarations: [
imports: [
providers: [],
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }
// File: app.component.html
// all your HTML...

<qrcode [qrdata]="'Your data string'" [width]="256" [errorCorrectionLevel]="'M'"></qrcode>

Generate a QR Code from a string (directive only)

Now that angular/Ionic know about the new QR Code module, let's invoke it from our template with a directive. If we use a simple text-string, we need no additional code in our controller.

<qrcode [qrdata]="'Your data string'" [width]="256" [errorCorrectionLevel]="'M'"></qrcode>

Create a QR Code from a variable in your controller

In addition to our <qrcode>-directive in app.component.html, lets add two lines of code to our controller app.component.ts.

// File: app.component.ts
export class QRCodeComponent {
  public myAngularxQrCode: string = null;
  constructor () {
    // assign a value
    this.myAngularxQrCode = 'Your QR code data string';

// File: app.component.html
<qrcode [qrdata]="myAngularxQrCode" [width]="256" [errorCorrectionLevel]="'M'"></qrcode>

Download a QR Code

The online demo contains a working sample how to download the QR Code with a button.

Getting the QR Code URL

To download the QR Code, we have to use the qrCodeURL attribute of the <qrcode> which returns a sanitized URL representing the location of the QR Code.

// File: example.ts
export class QRCodeComponent {
  public myAngularxQrCode: string = "";
  public qrCodeDownloadLink: SafeUrl = "";

  constructor () {
    this.myAngularxQrCode = 'Your QR code data string';

  onChangeURL(url: SafeUrl) {
    this.qrCodeDownloadLink = url;

// File: example.html
<qrcode (qrCodeURL)="onChangeURL($event)" [qrdata]="myAngularxQrCode" [width]="256" [errorCorrectionLevel]="'M'"></qrcode>
<a [href]="qrCodeDownloadLink" download="qrcode">Download</a>

The file format obtained by qrCodeURL depends directly on the elementType of <qrcode>. If it's either canvas, url or image, it returns an image as .png, if it's svg, returns a .svg file.

Available Parameters

allowEmptyStringBooleanfalseAllow qrdata to be an empty string
altStringnullHTML alt attribute (supported by img, url)
ariaLabelStringnullHTML aria-label attribute (supported by canvas, img, url)
colorDarkString'#000000ff'RGBA color, color of dark module (foreground)
colorLightString'#ffffffff'RGBA color, color of light module (background)
cssClassString'qrcode'CSS Class
elementTypeString'canvas''canvas', 'svg', 'img', 'url' (alias for 'img')
errorCorrectionLevelString'M'QR Correction level ('L', 'M', 'Q', 'H')
imageSrcStringnullLink to your image
imageHeightNumbernullheight of your image
imageWidthNumbernullwidth of your image
marginNumber4Define how much wide the quiet zone should be.
qrCodeURLEventEmitter<SafeUrl>Returns the QR Code URL
qrdataString''String to encode
scaleNumber4Scale factor. A value of 1 means 1px per modules (black dots).
titleStringnullHTML title attribute (supported by canvas, img, url)
widthNumber10Height/Width (any value)

QR Code capacity

Depending on the amount of data of the qrdata to encode, a minimum width is required.

AOT - Ahead Of Time Compilation

angularx-qrcode supports AOT Compilation (Ahead-of-Time Compilation) which results in significant faster rendering. An AOT-enabled module is included. Further reading: https://angular.io/guide/aot-compiler

SSR - Server Side Rendering

As of version 1.6.0, SSR support is fully implemented, the following workaround is no longer needed. HowTo use Angular QRCode with SSR



Support the development of angularx-qrcode (or even see your logo here?), consider sponsoring angularx-qrcode. Your support is much appreciated!


MIT License

Copyright (c) 2018 - present Andreas Jacob (Cordobo.com)