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Library with facilities for working with de Bruijn indices in Coq to reason about capture-avoiding substitution of variables in syntax with binders.


Building and installation instructions

The easiest way to install the latest released version of Dblib is via OPAM:

opam repo add coq-released https://coq.inria.fr/opam/released
opam install coq-dblib

To instead build and install manually, do:

git clone https://github.com/coq-community/dblib.git
cd dblib
make   # or make -j <number-of-cores-on-your-machine> 
make install



The basic workflow for using the library is as follows:

  1. The client manually defines the syntax of terms (or types, or whatever syntax she is interested in) as usual, as an inductive type.
  2. The client manually defines a higher-order traverse function, which can be thought of as a generic, capture-avoiding substitution function. Its job is (i) to apply a user-supplied function f at every variable, and (ii) to inform f about the number of binders that have been entered. By defining traverse, the client effectively defines the binding structure.
  3. The client proves that the traverse function is well-behaved, i.e., it satisfies half a dozen reasonable properties. These proofs are usually trivial, because the library provides tailor-made tactics for this purpose.
  4. The library defines weakening (lift) and substitution (subst) in terms of traverse, and proves a rather large number of properties of these functions.
  5. The functions lift and subst are opaque, so an application of these functions cannot be reduced by Coq's builtin tactic simpl. The library provides simpl_lift_goal and simpl_subst_goal for this purpose (plus a few variants of these tactics that perform simplification within a hypothesis, or within all hypotheses).
  6. The library also provides hint databases, to be used with eauto, that can prove many of the typical equalities that arise when proving weakening or substitution lemmas.
  7. The library defines a closed term as one that is invariant under lifting (and substitution), and provides lemmas/tactics for reasoning about this notion.

Everything is based on type classes: traverse, lift, subst, etc. are overloaded, so the whole process can be repeated, if desired, for another inductive type.

The library does support multiple independent namespaces: for instance, it is possible to have terms that contain term variables and types that contain type variables.

The library does not support multiple namespaces when there is interaction between them: for instance, it is not possible to have terms that contain both term variables and type variables, as in a standard presentation of System F. A possible work-around is to define a single namespace of "variables" and to use a separate well-kindedness judgement in order to distinguish between "term" variables and "type" variables. This approach has been used in a large proof, where it has turned out to be extremely beneficial.

Library Files

The library consists of the following files:


The documentation takes the form of a few demo files: