

ZSH shell plugin for Haskell


The completion script will find and inspect all cabal files under current directory which are not deeper than four directories away. It does not descent under dist-newstye, dist, .stack-work or .git directories.

Completion for the following package specs is supported:

The last six are only triggered when pkg:, lib:, exec:, bench: or test: are given explicitly. This is in order to avoid providing too many completion results.


zstyle ":completion::complete:cabal::options:" depth 4

Maximan directory depth for searching for *.cabal files.

zstyle ":completion::complete:cabal::options:" 
zstyle ":completion::complete:cabal::options:" packages-tmp-file "/tmp/zsh-haskell-cabal-packages"

File which stores list of package names. It will be created on demenad (e.g. by completiting cabal info or cabal install, etc.).
