

Cofree React Router

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bower i --save purescript-cofree-react-router
npm i --save warning react react-dom


Routing library for React in the spirit of react-router v3. The router has type

type Router props args = (RoutePropsClass props) => Cofree List (Tuple (Route props args) (Maybe (IndexRoute props args)))

thus it is a cofree comonad for the Array functor.

You can define router using :+ (adds routes without index) and :< (the standard combinator for unfolding a cofree comonad) combinators:

router :: Router RouteProps Unit
router =
  Route "main" (unit <$ lit "") mainClass :+
    (Route "home" (unit <$ lit "home") homeClass :+ Nil)
    : (Tuple (Route "user" (unit <$ (lit "user" *> int)) userClass) (Just $ IndexRoute "user-index" userIndexClass) :<
        (Route "book" (unit <$ (lit "books" *> int)) bookClass :+
          (Route "pages" (unit <$ lit "pages") pagesClass :+
            (Route "page" (unit <$ int) pageClass :+ Nil)
            : Nil)
          : Nil)
        : Nil)
    : (Route "user-settings" (unit <$ (lit "user" *> int *> lit "settings")) settingsClass :+ Nil)
    : Nil

Applicative parser

Urls are parsed using the applicative parser from routing package. There are some assumptions:

Browser history

For now, only browser history is supported, but it's not to difficult to change the browserRouter spec to use hash history.

Server side rendering

For server side rendering use matchRouter. Checkout the isomorphic react example how to set-up server side rendering together with hyper.


Checkout the included example. To build and run type

npm run example

Now open http://localhost:8080 in your prefered browser.