

SemBERT: Semantics-aware BERT for Language Understanding

(2020/10/07) Update: Tips for possible issues

  1. SRL prediction mismatches the provided samples

The POS tags are slightly different using different spaCy versions. SemBERT used spacy==2.0.18 to obtain the verbs.

Refer to allenai/allennlp#3418, cooelf/SemBERT#12 (CHN).

  1. SRL is not a registered name for Model.

Please try pip install --pre allennlp-models

  1. Issues about AllenNLP

If you encounter issues about the class or variables in AllenNLP, please try to use a lower version, e.g., 0.8.1.

Our experiment environment for reference:

Python 3.6+ PyTorch (1.0.0) AllenNLP (0.8.1)


Codes for the paper Semantics-aware BERT for Language Understanding in AAAI 2020



(Our experiment environment for reference)

Python 3.6+ PyTorch (1.0.0) AllenNLP (0.8.1)


GLUE data can be downloaded from GLUE data by running this script and unpack it to directory <u>glue_data</u>. We provide an example data sample in <u>glue_data/MNLI</u> to show how SemBERT works.


This repo shows the example implementation of SemBERT for NLU tasks. We basically used the pre-trained BERT uncased models so do not forget to pass the parameter --do_lower_case.

The example script are as follows:

Train a model

Note: please replace the sample data with labeled data (use our labeled data or annotate your data following the instructions below).

python run_classifier.py \
--data_dir glue_data/SNLI/ \
--task_name snli \
--train_batch_size 32 \
--max_seq_length 128 \
--bert_model bert-wwm-uncased \
--learning_rate 2e-5 \
--num_train_epochs 2 \
--do_train \
--do_eval \
--do_lower_case \
--max_num_aspect 3 \
--output_dir glue/snli_model_dir


Both run_classifier.py and run_snli_predict.py can be used for evaluation, where the later is simplified for easy employment.

The major difference is that run_classifier.py takes labeled data as input, while run_snli_predict.py integrates the real-time semantic role labeling, so it uses the original raw data.

Evaluation using labeled data

python run_classifier.py \
--data_dir glue_data/SNLI/ \
--task_name snli \
--eval_batch_size 128 \
--max_seq_length 128 \
--bert_model bert-wwm-uncased \
--do_eval \
--do_lower_case \
--max_num_aspect 3 \
--output_dir glue/snli_model_dir

Evaluation using raw data (with real-time semantic role labeling)

Our trained SNLI model (reaching 91.9% test accuracy) can be accessed here.


To use our trained SNLI model, please put the SNLI model and the SRL model to the snli_model_dir and srl_model_dir, respectively.

As shown in our example SNLI model, the folder of snli_model_dir should contain three files:

vocab.txt and bert_config.json from the BERT model folder that are used for training your model;

pytorch_model.bin that is the trained SNLI model.

python run_snli_predict.py \
--data_dir /share03/zhangzs/glue_data/SNLI \
--task_name snli \
--eval_batch_size 128 \
--max_seq_length 128 \
--max_num_aspect 3 \
--do_eval \
--do_lower_case \
--bert_model snli_model_dir \
--output_dir snli_model_dir \
--tagger_path srl_model_dir

For prediction, use the flag: --do_predict for either the script run_classifier.py or run_snli_predict.py. The output pred file can be directly used for GLUE online submission and evaluation.

Data annotation (Semantic role labeling)

We provide two kinds of semantic labeling method,

Note this repo is based on the offline version, so that the column id/index in the data-processor would be slightly different from the original, which is like this:

text_a = line[-3] text_b = line[-2] label = line[-1]

If you use the original data <u>instead of</u> our preprocessed one by tag_model/tagger_offline.py, please modify the index according to the dataset structure.

SRL model

The SRL model in this implementation used the ELMo-based SRL model from AllenNLP.

Recently, there is a new BERT-based model, which is a nice alternative.


Please kindly cite this paper in your publications if it helps your research:

	title={Semantics-aware {BERT} for language understanding},
	author={Zhang, Zhuosheng and Wu, Yuwei and Zhao, Hai and Li, Zuchao and Zhang, Shuailiang and Zhou, Xi and Zhou, Xiang},
  	booktitle={the Thirty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-2020)},