


Qbs stands for Query By Struct. A Go ORM. 中文版 README

Build Status




Qbs.Find is about 60% faster on mysql, 130% faster on postgreSQL than raw Db.Query, about 20% slower than raw Stmt.Query. (benchmarked on windows). The reason why it is faster than Db.Query is because all prepared Statements are cached in map.


Only support go 1.1+

Go get to get the most recent source code.

go get github.com/coocood/qbs

New version may break backwards compatibility, so for production project, it's better to download the tagged version. The most recent release is v0.2.

tags with same minor version would be backward compatible, e.g v0.1 and v0.1.1.

tags with different minor version would break compatibility, e.g v0.1.1 and v0.2.

API Documentation

See Gowalker for complete documentation.

Get Started

First you need to register your database

Define a model User

Create a new table

Get and use *qbs.Qbs instance:

Inset a row:


Update a single row

Update multiple row


Define another table for join query

Omit some column

Projects use Qbs:


Erik Aigner Qbs was originally a fork from hood by Erik Aigner, but I changed more than 80% of the code, then it ended up become a totally different ORM.

NuVivo314, Jason McVetta, pix64, vadimi, Ravi Teja.