

gtfs-lib Build Status

A library for loading and saving GTFS feeds of arbitrary size with disk-backed storage.

Based on observations over several years of experience using the OneBusAway GTFS library (which is used by OpenTripPlanner), Conveyal created this new GTFS library to meet our current needs.

The main design goals are:

A gtfs-lib GTFSFeed object should faithfully represent the contents of a single GTFS feed file. At least during the initial load, no heuristics are applied to clean up the data. Basic syntax is verified, and any problems encountered are logged in detail. At this stage, fields or entites may be missing, and the data may be nonsensical. Then in an optional post-load validation phase, semantic checks are performed and problems are optionally repaired.


gtfs-lib can be used as a Java library or run via the command line. If using this library with PostgreSQL for persistence, you must use at least version 9.6 of PostgreSQL.

Library (maven)

Include gtfs-lib as a library in your project with the following dependency in your pom.xml.

  <!-- Note: to use a local version development version, the groupId should be changed to com.conveyal -->


gtfs-lib builds are hosted on jitpack.

Release versions are available by default.

Branch- (e.g. dev-SNAPSHOT) or commit-specific (using a 10 character commit ID like a04294e420) snapshot builds can be triggered by clicking Get for the build of your choice on jitpack's website or visiting https://jitpack.io/#conveyal/gtfs-lib/YOUR_VERSION.

Command line

## download repo
$ git clone https://github.com/conveyal/gtfs-lib.git
$ cd gtfs-lib
## build the jar
$ mvn package
## Run the validation suite on a GTFS file and save the results to json files.
## Note: Change the version number to match the shaded jar file name in /target directory.
$ java -cp gtfs-lib-3.4.0-SNAPSHOT-shaded.jar com.conveyal.gtfs.GTFS --load /path/to/gtfs.zip --validate --json /optional/path/to/results

Load and Validation results

The result from running the load or validate command line option with the --json option is a json file containing summary information about the feed and the process (load or validate) that was run. The results will be stored at [feedId]-[load|validate].json in the system temp directory or the optional directory specified with the --json option.


  "filename" : "/Users/me/files/gtfs.zip",
  "uniqueIdentifier" : "dqzn_ogndwayamkasyatagjfkoa",
  "errorCount" : 0,
  "fatalException" : null,
  "agency" : {
    "rowCount" : 1,
    "errorCount" : 0,
    "fatalException" : null,
    "fileSize" : 165
  "calendar" : {
    "rowCount" : 29,
    "errorCount" : 0,
    "fatalException" : null,
    "fileSize" : 1503
  "calendarDates" : {
    "rowCount" : 176,
    "errorCount" : 0,
    "fatalException" : null,
    "fileSize" : 4904
  "fareAttributes" : {
    "rowCount" : 0,
    "errorCount" : 0,
    "fatalException" : null,
    "fileSize" : 0
  "fareRules" : {
    "rowCount" : 0,
    "errorCount" : 0,
    "fatalException" : null,
    "fileSize" : 0
  "feedInfo" : {
    "rowCount" : 0,
    "errorCount" : 0,
    "fatalException" : null,
    "fileSize" : 0
  "frequencies" : {
    "rowCount" : 0,
    "errorCount" : 0,
    "fatalException" : null,
    "fileSize" : 0
  "routes" : {
    "rowCount" : 275,
    "errorCount" : 0,
    "fatalException" : null,
    "fileSize" : 42123
  "shapes" : {
    "rowCount" : 715639,
    "errorCount" : 0,
    "fatalException" : null,
    "fileSize" : 26076306
  "stops" : {
    "rowCount" : 4702,
    "errorCount" : 0,
    "fatalException" : null,
    "fileSize" : 281423
  "stopTimes" : {
    "rowCount" : 2054189,
    "errorCount" : 0,
    "fatalException" : null,
    "fileSize" : 128596782
  "transfers" : {
    "rowCount" : 0,
    "errorCount" : 0,
    "fatalException" : null,
    "fileSize" : 0
  "trips" : {
    "rowCount" : 46036,
    "errorCount" : 0,
    "fatalException" : null,
    "fileSize" : 4009568
  "loadTimeMillis" : 62746,
  "completionTime" : 1535468396785


  "fatalException" : null,
  "errorCount" : 1193,
  "declaredStartDate" : null,
  "declaredEndDate" : null,
  "firstCalendarDate" : {
    "year" : 2018,
    "month" : "JUNE",
    "chronology" : {
      "id" : "ISO",
      "calendarType" : "iso8601"
    "dayOfMonth" : 30,
    "dayOfWeek" : "SATURDAY",
    "era" : "CE",
    "dayOfYear" : 181,
    "leapYear" : false,
    "monthValue" : 6
  "lastCalendarDate" : {
    "year" : 2018,
    "month" : "SEPTEMBER",
    "chronology" : {
      "id" : "ISO",
      "calendarType" : "iso8601"
    "dayOfMonth" : 1,
    "dayOfWeek" : "SATURDAY",
    "era" : "CE",
    "dayOfYear" : 244,
    "leapYear" : false,
    "monthValue" : 9
  "dailyBusSeconds" : [ 9999, ... ],
  "dailyTramSeconds" : [ 0, ... ],
  "dailyMetroSeconds" : [ 0, ... ],
  "dailyRailSeconds" : [ 0, ... ],
  "dailyTotalSeconds" : [ 2220, ... ],
  "dailyTripCounts" : [ 1, ... ],
  "fullBounds" : {
    "minLon" : -74.040876,
    "minLat" : 40.572635,
    "maxLon" : -73.779519,
    "maxLat" : 40.762524
  "boundsWithoutOutliers" : {
    "minLon" : 0.0,
    "minLat" : 0.0,
    "maxLon" : 0.0,
    "maxLat" : 0.0
  "validationTime" : 16319