

ContainerSSH - Launch Containers on Demand

<!--suppress HtmlDeprecatedAttribute --> <h1 align="center">ContainerSSH IP to Country Code Library</h1> <p align="center"><strong>⚠⚠⚠ Deprecated: ⚠⚠⚠</strong><br />This repository is deprecated in favor of <a href="https://github.com/ContainerSSH/libcontainerssh">libcontainerssh</a> for ContainerSSH 0.5.</p>

This library provides IP to Country Code lookup services for ContainerSSH.

Using this library

This library needs a configuration structure described in config.go. This configuration structure can be passed to the geoip.New() method:

provider, err := geoip.New(geoip.Config{
    // Can be "dummy" or "maxmind".
    Provider: "maxmind",
    // MMDB2 file for the MaxMind provider.
    GeoIP2File: "/path/to/maxmind/file.mmdb2",
if err != nil {
    // handle error

The GeoIP lookup can be performed using the Lookup() method:

countryCode := provider.Lookup("")

The countryCode field will contain the value of XX if the lookup failed.

Implementing a lookup provider

A custom provider can be written by implementing the following interface:

type LookupProvider interface {
	Lookup(remoteAddr net.IP) (countryCode string)

Once implemented you will need to add the necessary configuration options to config.go and add a factory method to factory.go.