

Atomic Reactor

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Python library with command line interface for building docker images.



From git

Clone this git repo and install Atomic Reactor using python installer:

git clone https://github.com/containerbuildsystem/atomic-reactor.git
cd atomic-reactor
pip install . --user

You don't even need to install it. You may use it straight from git:

alias atomic-reactor="python ${REACTOR_PATH}/atomic-reactor/cli/main.py"

Adding Dependencies

To add more Python dependencies, add them to the following files:

If you're wondering why you need to add dependencies to both files (setup.py and one of the requirements files), see install_requires vs requirements files.

To be able to build atomic-reactor with Cachito, we also need to keep the build requirements updated. Please follow Cachito pip build dependencies for updating build requirements. Please note that the resulting requirements will need to be pinned to older versions before moving to the next step to avoid installation issues with newer dependency versions.

Afterwards, pip-compile the dependencies via make pip-compile (you may need to run make venv first, unless the venv already exists).

Additionally, if any of the newly added dependencies in the generated requirements*.txt files need to be compiled from C code, please install any missing C libraries in the Dockerfile(s) as well as the test.sh script

Running tests

The prerequisite of running tests is to create a test environment container by test.sh. For example:

OS=fedora OS_VERSION=35 PYTHON_VERSION=3 ACTION=test ./test.sh

When the container is ready and running, you have choice to test your changes by executing pytest directly:

podman exec -it atomic-reactor-fedora-35-py3 python3 -m pytest tests/

or by tox:

podman exec -it atomic-reactor-fedora-35-py3 tox -e test

The tox.ini has defined several testenvs, use tox -l to check them.


If you would like to build your images within build containers, you need to obtain images for those containers. We call them build images. Atomic Reactor is installed inside and used to take care of build itself.

You can either get the build image from Dockerhub or create it yourself.

Further reading