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Constellation is a graph-focused data visualisation and interactive analysis application enabling data access, federation and manipulation capabilities across large and complex data sets.

Table of Contents

Vision Statement

Constellation is a first class, domain agnostic data visualisation and analysis application enabling the user to solve large and complex data problems in a simple and intuitive way.

Constellation Application

Core Values

Performance over Functionality

The most important value is making sure Constellation stays performant. If this means we have to sacrifice some functionality if it will degrade performance then that’s what we will do. Features are “easy” to add but keeping the application performant is harder.

Generic over Specialisation

Constellation is designed to provide a broad range of functionality with the idea of being a “bridge between tools”. For example Constellation’s Map View is not meant to be a fully fledged mapping tool; for that use ArcGIS.

Usability over Precision

We value sensible defaults in features so you can just use them rather than having to fill out a form of parameters first. This means that running analytics like the “Cosine Similarity Analytic” will be accurate but if you want to tweak this then you will have to use a different method like a Jupyter Notebook.


Download Constellation

Download Constellation by going to the release page.

Run Constellation

Unzip the constellation.zip bundle and double click the constellation64.bat for Windows or run the bin\constellation shell script for Linux and MacOSX.

Note that if you are running Constellation in a virtual machine and have issues using VirtualBox then give VMWare a go as it seems to have better support for OpenGL.

Build Constellation

To build Constellation from source code do the following:

Package Constellation

To package Constellation in a zip bundle do the following:

Note that Constellation “Core” (which is this repository) is designed to be domain agnostic and work standalone. The version of Constellation available for download from the official website is built with additional plugins and managed via the Constellation-Applications repository.

Contributing to Constellation

For more information please see the contributing guide.



Common Troubleshooting Checks

  1. Click on File > New Graph to create a graph

  2. Click on Experimental > Build Graph > Sphere Graph to create a random graph.

  3. If you can see a graph try to interact with it using the mouse.

  4. If the graph view remains blank, you may not have a supported graphics card.


Third party libraries and assets were used in development of Constellation, please view attribution list for details.