

Arduino - RFM69 based sensors and MQTT gateway

May 2016: Published a Wifi connected ESP8266 node here: https://github.com/computourist/ESP8266-MQTT-client


March 2016: corrected swapped NSS signals in schematics for gateway 2.4


February 2016: added schematics for gateway 2.4 and DHT end node


January 2016: published Gateway version 2.4:


November 2015: Openhab example added, showing the use of node-generated status messages to sync Openhab with local output toggles.


Changes in Gateway version 2.3:

Version compatibility:

RFID has not been upgraded yet since the code is not stable. (it will work -unstable- with GW2.3 though)

Changes in Gateway version 2.2:

Changes in Gateway version 2.1:

Changes in Gateway version 2:

The setup consists of two types of devices:

The communication between MQTT broker and multiple end nodes is duplex, meaning:

Communication between gateway and nodes is over an encrypted wireless link and handshake mechanisms are used to guarantee succesfull transmission. Radio link errors are reported to the MQTT broker. Communication between gateway and MQTT broker is over fixed ethernet.

The end node software is capable of:

The gateway software is capable of: