


This is the Commander X16 ROM containing BASIC, KERNAL, DOS and GEOS. BASIC and KERNAL are derived from the Commodore 64 versions. GEOS is derived from the C64/C128 version.

Releases and Building

<a href="https://travis-ci.org/commanderx16/x16-emulator"><img alt="Travis (.org)" src="https://img.shields.io/travis/commanderx16/x16-rom.svg?label=CI&logo=travis&logoColor=white&style=for-the-badge"></a>

Each release of the X16 emulator includes a compatible build of rom.bin. If you wish to build this yourself (perhaps because you're also building the emulator) see below.

WARNING: The emulator will currently work only with a contemporary version of rom.bin; earlier or later versions are likely to fail.

Building the ROM

Building this source code requires only GNU Make, Python 3.7 (or higher) and the cc65 assembler. GNU Make is almost invariably available as a system package with any Linux distribution; cc65 less often so.

On macOS, cc65 in homebrew, which must be installed before issuing the following command:

If cc65 is not available as a package on your system, you'll need to install or build/install it per the instructions below.

To check the version of python you have use python3 --version.

Once the prerequisites are available, type make to build rom.bin. To use that with the emulator, copy it to the same directory as the x16emu binary or use x16emu -rom .../path/to/rom.bin.

Additional Notes: For users of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8, you will need to have CodeReady builder repositories enabled, for CentOS, this is called PowerTools. Additionally, you will need Fedora EPEL installed as well as cc65 does not come usually within the official repositories.

Building/Installing cc65

Linux Builds from Source

You'll need the basic set of tools for building C programs:

The cc65 source is on GitHub; clone and build it with:

git clone https://github.com/cc65/cc65.git
make -j4    # -j4 may be left off; it merely speeds the build

This will leave the binaries in the bin/ subdirectory; you may use thes directly by adding them to your path, or install them to a standard directory:

#   This assumes you have ~/.local/bin in your path.
make install PREFIX=~/.local

Building and Packages for Other Systems

Consult the Nesdev Wiki Installing CC65 page for some hints, including Windows installs. However, the Debian packages they suggest from trikaliotis.net appear to have signature errors.



Release Notes

Release 41 ("Marrakech")

Release 40 ("Bonn")

Release 39 ("Buenos Aires")

Release 38 ("Kyoto")

Release 37 ("Geneva")

Release 36 ("Berlin")

Release 35

Release 34

Release 33

Release 32

Release 31

Release 30
