

Comic Relief Storybook NPM version Build Status

React components to build the Comic Relief front-end experience

To run CR Storybook locally



Then import your component(s) into stories/index.js and render them like so:

storiesOf("Some component name", module)
  .add("Default", () => (
    <ComponentName />
  .add("Some variation", () => (
    <ComponentName prop="value" />

Unit testing

Our target is to cover:

In order to run unit tests

Getting Started as dependencies in your project

To build storybook components locally within an app, please use npm link. Learn how to do this here

Then import your component(s) into components/index.js and rebuild build files via yarn build

Install dependencies

Ensure packages are installed with correct version numbers by running:

npm install @comicrelief/storybook --save

Include component

import { Footer, FileUp } from '@comicrelief/storybook';

In some cases there is documentation for a specific component in a README.md inside its own directory.

Semantic Release Process

Git commit messages are used to automatically publish a new version of npm package. To achieve this, every commit message should have a type and a message in the format that is described below.

Travis CI will run a job automatically after PR is merged and analyze all commit messages since last npm release. Then semantic-release plugin will calculate new version according to this result.

To avoid commit loops, version numbers are not committed back to package.json. Versions are listed on GitHub releases and used in the modified package.json published to npm.

Commit messages are expected to be in this format:

<type>(<scope>): <subject>

Minimally, only type and subject is required.

Bugfix / patch

When there are no breaking changes or adding no new features. When we are fixing bugs or styles.

fix: A bug fix

Minor / Feature

When there is a new feature / functionality is added to the library

feat: A new feature

Major / breaking change

When there is a breaking change, we need to extend our commit message and add BREAKING CHANGE: A description of the change to its body. This message can be added to any type of commit. Example:

feat: A new feature

BREAKING CHANGE: A description of the change

Automating commit message format

Commitizen library is added as npm dev dependency and it can be used to generate commit messages by answering a few questions and skipping the ones which are not relavent. Example workflow:

This will start an interactive process to build commit message. Simply answer all questions or press Enter to skip.

Release contingency

Currently, the semantic build release method is broken so, with very limited resource to maintain this legacy code, we're reverting to updating the version number in package.json and running npm publish.