

CometChat enables you to add voice, video and text chat to your Android app in minutes! That's not all, CometChat has whiteboard, writeboard, real-time translation and more.

For New Customers

If you would like to add CometChat to your app, please use CometChat Pro:

Step 1- Signup for CometChat Pro at https://app.cometchat.com

Step 2- View the CometChat Pro documentation at https://prodocs.cometchat.com

For Existing Customers

Quick Start

  1. Download the sample Android project from this repository.
  2. Open the MainActivity.java file and replace the CometChat License Key and API Key values. These values can be found the CometChat Admin Panel, under the Settings -> API Keys section.
  3. Build and Run the sample app

For more information regarding the CometChat Android SDK , please refer to the developer documentation.