


FairTest enables developers or auditing entities to discover and test for unwarranted associations between an algorithm's outputs and certain user subpopulations identified by protected features.

FairTest works by learning a special decision tree, that splits a user population into smaller subgroups in which the association between protected features and algorithm outputs is maximized. FairTest supports and makes use of a variety of different fairness metrics each appropriate in a particular situation. After finding these so-called contexts of association, FairTest uses statistical methods to assess their validity and strength. Finally, FairTest retains all statistically significant associations, ranks them by their strength, and reports them as association bugs to the user.


FairTest is a Python application, developed and tested with Python 2.7. FairTest uses rpy2 python package that provides a python interface for R programming language and requires R (version > 3.1) to be installed. We provide a script to assist with the installation of FairTest.

Alternatively, you can download an Ubuntu virtual machine with a complete, up-to-date FairTest installation from <a href="http://www.cs.columbia.edu/~vatlidak/UbuntuVM.tar.gz" title="FairTest VM">here</a> and launch it with VMWare Player.

Quick Start

Different benchmark datasets in CSV format are located in fairtest/data. You can use the utils.prepare_data.data_from_csv() function to load a dataset as a Pandas DataFrame, the format expected by FairTest investigations. The first line of the csv file should list the names of the different features.

from fairtest.utils.prepare_data import data_from_csv

data = data_from_csv('fairtest/data/adult/adult.csv', to_drop=['fnlwgt'])

The data is then pre-processed and split into training and testing sets by encapsulating it in a DataSource object.

from fairtest import DataSource

data = DataSource(data, budget=1, conf=0.95)

This creates a training set and holdout set that can be used to perform a single batch of investigations with an overall testing confidence of 95%. Budgets larger than 1 allow for adaptive data analysis, where new investigations may be performed based on previous results, and validated over an independent testing set.


To test for associations between user income and race or gender, first create the appropriate Fairtest Investigation:

from fairtest.testing import Testing

SENS = ['gender', 'race']     # Protected features
TARGET = 'income'             # Output
EXPL = ''                     # Explanatory feature

inv = Testing(data, SENS, TARGET, EXPL)

After you instantiated all the Investigations you wish to perform, you can train the guided decision tree, test the discovered association bugs (and correct for multiple testing), and report the results:

from fairtest.investigation import train, test, report

all_investigations = [inv]

report(all_investigations, 'adult', output_dir='temp/')


Discovery investigations enable the search for potential associations over a large output space, with no prior knowledge of which outputs to focus on. An additional instance parameter topk specifies the maximum number of outputs that exhibit the strongest associations to consider:

from fairtest.discovery import Discovery

SENS = [...]        # Protected features
TARGET = [...]      # List of output labels
EXPL = ''           # Explanatory feature

inv = Discovery(data, SENS, TARGET, EXPL, topk=10)

Error Profiling

ErrorProfiling investigations let you search for user subpopulations for which an algorithm exhibits abnormally high error rates. The investigation expects an additional input specifying the ground truth for the algorithm's predictions. An appropriate error measure is then computed:

from fairtest.error_profiling import ErrorProfiling

SENS = [...]            # Protected features
TARGET = '...'          # Predicted output
GROUND_TRUTH = '...'    # Ground truth feature
EXPL = ''               # Explanatory feature

inv = ErrorProfiling(data, SENS, TARGET, GROUND_TRUTH, EXPL)

Explanatory Attribute

It is possible to specify a user attribute as explanatory, meaning that FairTest will only look for associations among users that are equal with respect to this attribute. We currently support a single, categorical attribute as explanatory for investigations with categorical protected features and outputs. Support for more general explanatory attributes can be enabled by defining further Fairness Metrics (see Extensions section below).

Other Examples

Additional examples, demonstrating how to use FairTest, are at: src/fairtest/examples.



FairTest currently supports the following metrics:

By default FairTest selects an appropriate metric depending on the type of investigation and of protected and output features provided. You can specify a particular metric to use (as long as that metric is applicable to the data at hand) with the metrics parameter passed to an Investigation:

from fairtest.testing import Testing

SENS = ['gender', 'race']   # Protected features
TARGET = 'income'           # Output
EXPL = ''                   # Explanatory feature

metrics = {'gender': 'DIFF'}  # Specify a metric for 'gender' and let FairTest
                            # select a default metric for 'race'

inv = Testing(data, SENS, TARGET, EXPL, metrics=metrics)

FairTest can be extended with custom metrics, in order to handle situations where the above metrics are not applicable. The class fairtest.modules.metrics.metric.Metric defines an abstract metric. Metrics can expect three types of data: in the form of a contingency table (categorical features), of aggregate statistics (ordinal features), or non-aggregated data (for regression). The main method called on a Metric is compute, which calculates a confidence interval and p-value and stores these as the class attribute stats. The abstract Metric class provides a default compute method that calls instance specific methods for computing either exact or approximate statistics. Subclasses of Metric can either implement these specific methods (see fairtest.modules.metrics.mutual_info.NMI for instance) or redefine the computemethod entirely (see for example fairtest.modules.metrics.regression.REGRESSION).


FairTest uses Python's standard logging module to log simple information about ongoing investigations, as well as more fine-grained debug information (mainly for the guided tree learning algorithm).

Code Organisation

Directory or FileDescription
dataDemo datasets
src/appsDemo apps
src/fairtest/modules/bug_reportBug filter, rank and report module
src/fairtest/modules/context_discoveryGuided tree construction module
src/fairtest/modules/metricsFairness metrics module
src/fairtest/modules/statisticsStatistical tests module
src/fairtest/discovery.pyDiscovery Investigations
src/fairtest/error_profiling.pyErrorProfiling Investigations
src/fairtest/investigation.pyTrain, Test, Report for arbitrary Investigations
src/fairtest/testing.pyTesting Investigations