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Coloring terminal so simple, you already know how to do it!

    "this is blue".blue();
    "this is red".red();
    "this is red on blue".red().on_blue();
    "this is also red on blue".on_blue().red();
    "you can use truecolor values too!".truecolor(0, 255, 136);
    "background truecolor also works :)".on_truecolor(135, 28, 167);
    "truecolor from tuple".custom_color((0, 255, 136));
    "background truecolor from tuple".on_custom_color((0, 255, 136));
    "bright colors are welcome as well".on_bright_blue().bright_red();
    "you can also make bold comments".bold();
    println!("{} {} {}", "or use".cyan(), "any".italic().yellow(), "string type".cyan());
    "or change advice. This is red".yellow().blue().red();
    "or clear things up. This is default color and style".red().bold().clear();
    "purple and magenta are the same".purple().magenta();
    "and so are normal and clear".normal().clear();
    "you can specify color by string".color("blue").on_color("red");
    String::from("this also works!").green().bold();
    format!("{:30}", "format works as expected. This will be padded".blue());
    format!("{:.3}", "and this will be green but truncated to 3 chars".green());

How to use

Add this in your Cargo.toml:

colored = "2"

and add this to your lib.rs or main.rs:

    extern crate colored; // not needed in Rust 2018+

    use colored::Colorize;

    // test the example with `cargo run --example most_simple`
    fn main() {
        // TADAA!
        println!("{} {} !", "it".green(), "works".blue().bold());



Bright colors: prepend the color by bright_. So easy. Background colors: prepend the color by on_. Simple as that. Bright Background colors: prepend the color by on_bright_. Not hard at all.


Colored has support for truecolors where you can specify any arbitrary rgb value.

This feature will only work correctly in terminals which support true colors (i.e. most modern terminals).

You can check if your terminal supports true color by checking the value of the environment variable $COLORTERM on your terminal. A value of truecolor or 24bit indicates that it will work.


You can clear color and style anytime by using normal() or clear()

Advanced Control:

Dynamic color from str

As Color implements FromStr, From<&str>, and From<String>, you can easily cast a string into a color like that:

// the easy way
"blue string yo".color("blue");

// this will default to white
"white string".color("zorglub");

// the safer way via a Result
let color_res : Result<Color, ()> = "zorglub".parse();
"red string".color(color_res.unwrap_or(Color::Red));
Colorization control

If you want to disable any coloring at compile time, you can simply do so by using the no-color feature.

For example, you can do this in your Cargo.toml to disable color in tests:

# this effectively enable the feature `no-color` of colored when testing with
# `cargo test --feature dumb_terminal`
dumb_terminal = ["colored/no-color"]

You can use have even finer control by using the colored::control::set_override method.



This library wouldn't have been the same without the marvelous ruby gem colored.

Thanks for the ansi_term crate for providing a reference implementation, which greatly helped making this crate output correct strings.

Minimum Supported Rust Version (MSRV)

The current MSRV is 1.70, which is checked and enforced automatically via CI. This version may change in the future in minor version bumps, so if you require a specific Rust version you should use a restricted version requirement such as ~X.Y.


Mozilla Public License 2.0. See the LICENSE file at the root of the repository.

In non legal terms it means that:
