

Typewright Webservice

This provides the backend that contains the documents that are typewright-enabled, and all the end user's changes to them. You only need to set this up if:

  1. You want to turn on typewright support in your instance of "collex".
  2. You want to serve up your own set of typewright-enabled documents that are different from the set that are provided from ARC.

Most likely, if you are setting up a Federation that is an extension of the ARC federations, (that is, if you aren't setting up your own version of "catalog" and "solr"), then you won't need this. If you are setting up your own version of "catalog" and "solr", then you will definitely need this.

Collex architecture

Collex is a complex project made up of a number of subprojects that all have to be in place for it to work. Most users will probably just need to set up the main Collex piece and point it at the existing Catalog. If that is all you want to do, then you don't need to understand the following architecture and you don't need to download the "solr" or "catalog" projects.

When Collex is deployed, it is branded with the name of a particular "Federation", like NINES or 18thConnect. The website that the end user goes to will look like that federation, but the code behind it is the "collex" project here.

When a search is done from "collex", the request is made to the "catalog" project, which is a web service that exposes all the documents that have been stored.

The "catalog" webservice processes the request and forms the correct call to the "solr" webservice.

The "arc-inbox" is a simple website that allows users to upload new .rdf content that will be added to the catalog / solr index.

The documents are added to the solr index by converting RDF documents using the project "rdf-indexer".

The About section of "collex" and the News section of "collex" are two separate WordPress installations. The recommended theme to use is in the "collex_wordpress_theme" project.

The "typewright" project can be attached to a "collex" instance if you wish by setting it up in the site.yml file of "collex". The "typewright" project is a webservice that keeps the information about all the typewright-enabled documents. The actual web presence of typewright is in the "collex" project under subfolders named typewright.

Local Install

  1. Download this project to your local development area.
  2. Copy config/database.example.yml to config/database.yml.
  3. Copy config/site.example.yml to config/site.yml.
  4. Modify those two files to suit your server and your needs. There are comments in them. DO NOT CHECK THEM IN!
  5. The first time you run, you will have to run bundle install.
  6. Create and migrate the database with the standard rake commands.
  7. Launch the server with rails s -p 3001. This will launch typewright and it will listen for connections on port 3001.


The catalog is deployed using capistrano, and can be deployed to either a staging server (edge) or a production server. The configuration for each host is found in config/site.yml at the bottom of the file. Fill in the necessary data for each site. To complete this section, you must have a user created on the target host which will run the catalog. That user must have full read/write permissions on the install directory. Additionally you must generate an ssh key-pair on your development machine and install it on the target host. Add an entry in your ~/.ssh/config file for each host. Example:

Host edge-catalog
   User collex
   Port 22
   IdentityFile ~/.ssh/edge-collex
  1. First time deployment has a few extra setup steps
  2. Copy Capfile.example to Capfile
  3. Copy config/deploy.rb.example to config/deploy.rb
  4. Modify config/deploy.rb to suit your needs.
  5. To begin the deplyment, run cap menu


Copyright 2011 Applied Research in Patacriticism and the University of Virginia

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.