



A Volto add-on that provides Sentry.io integration.


  1. In Sentry create a new organization, and add a project to it.
  2. Create an API Token: on the top left corner, click on your name -> API keys and create a new token, "project:write" scope should be selected.

Buildtime and Runtime

The configuration is done using environment variables:

If these environment variables are configured, when the app is built or starts locally, a new release will be created in Sentry. The source code and source maps will be uploaded to Sentry, too. After starting the application, if an error occurs, the errors will be sent to Sentry, and will be linked to the specified release.


This version requires @plone/volto >= 16.0.0.alpha.45 (sentry removed from Volto Core).

Installing the addon

  1. If you already have a Volto project, update package.json:

    "addons": [
    "dependencies": {
       "@plone-collective/volto-sentry": "*"
  2. If not, create one:

    npm install -g yo @plone/generator-volto
    yo @plone/volto my-volto-project --addon @plone-collective/volto-sentry
    cd my-volto-project
  3. Install new add-ons and restart Volto:

    yarn start
  4. Go to http://localhost:3000

  5. Happy editing!